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  1. F

    What Do You Miss The Least From Home? (Ba Cast Survey)

    When you're in a restaurant with friends. As soon as everyone puts their forks down, the waitperson presents the check and out you go. US$2,000 - US3,000 a month for a small apartment (water included). What's an elevator? S.F. EEUU. I don't miss owning a car.
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    It's Raining

    I'm wondering if there is a place in Buenos Aires that repairs umbrellas? One of the 8 metal thatchamacallits is bent. It would be nice to have it replaced.
  3. F

    The Idiocy Of Correo Argentino!

    Too bad that your mother didn't ask you if you received the cards that she sent in a padded envelope. Tell her, that next year, she should sing "Happy Birthday" over the telephone, instead of sending cards. The same thought about Christmas.
  4. F

    Coffee Chat

    For those of us that don't "appreciate" Star ucks and crave a gourmet treat, there is a McDonalds right next door.
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    Wondering If Anyone Knows What's Happening, This Evening?

    Tonight was supposed to be Gallery Night in Retiro- Recoleta. Most of the galleries were closed and the streets were deserted. I noticed that several buses were on streets on which they don't usually travel. This morning on a fairly large piece of park land,on 9 de Julio, between the French...
  6. F

    Thinking Of Moving To Ba For A While, Safety Fears?

    Renting an apartment with 24 hour security would be a good idea. I couldn't imagine renting an apartment without seeing it first, as well as seeing the neighborhood. I never rented an apatment in BA, but I think that you might have to pay your 3 months rent upfront. Also, as virtually nothing is...
  7. F

    Coming To Ba From Usa Soon?

    Inflation. Prices of EVERYTHING are UP !
  8. F

    Fresh Berries - Where To Find Them - Now, Tomorrow, Usual

    I believe that the blueberry season ended not too long ago. They were sold in every supermarket, produce store and many street corner vendors. I buy a years' supply and freeeze them, unwashed, in glass bottles. I've been doing this for several years. Blueberries are one of the best sources of...
  9. F

    Where Did All The Black Beans Go?

    Recently, Disco Markets, Casa China and probably other food emporiums had huge amounts of La Costena canned black beans and refried beans. Now, none are to be had. Was there a recall?
  10. F

    Where Is My Bill?

    Thanks for the info. My account shows the amount per month for only 4 months. To pay the annual charge, do I multiply the monthly by 12?
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    Where Is My Bill?

    At the beginning of every year, like all real estate owners, I've been receiving a bill from Buenos Aires Ciudad. The bill has the word "Rentas Ciudad" and "INMOBILIARIO Y ABL" on it. I believe that the money collected goes towards cleaning and lighting the streets. To date the postman hasn't...
  12. F

    Chocolate Chips In Buenos Aires ??

    While unpacking out bags from a recent trip to EEUU, my wife Ethel discovered that an airline employee helped themselves to a large package of Nestles chocolate chips. Yes, the cookies can be made without the chocolate chips. We're wondering if this product is available to the public? I can't...
  13. F

    Opening A U$ Bank Account In Colonia

    What would be the advantage of having a US$ bank account in Colonia? If it means having to go to Colonioa every time that you wanted U.S. dollars, it doesn't sound like a good idea.
  14. F

    Buenos Aires: One Big Film Set!

    They are making a movie, today, 15 February, at Juncal and Libertad.
  15. F

    Attn: Heloise

    Am I correct in thinking that "Comet" types of household cleaners are no longer available in BA? I ony see the Cif brand of greasy stuff.
  16. F

    I couldn't believe it

    Further to what I had reported on Saturday, I made a return visit, today, Monday. Sure enough, the same display of unrefrigerated juice was in the same place, except, there were fewer than on Saturday. Don't people know that this juice must be refrigerated. This is so sad. What's next? Some...
  17. F

    Aerolineas, we're through

    I read recently, that AAn is considereing discontinuing their flights to Europe, Australia and other destinations that aren't profitable. I flew them once years ago. I thought that the stewardess (that's what they were called in around 1951) was in the ( sorry, I just can't say cockpit, as this...
  18. F

    Banks. Has anyone else heard this?

    I'm wondering what is meant by ''as a courtesy''? Does it mean that they don't have an obligation to inform their customers that their money may be stolen from them? This sounds scary.
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    I couldn't believe it

    Just when you think that you've seen everything.............. This afternoon, I went to the Carrefour Market on Santa Fe and Vidt. Instead of the ''fresh'' orange juice being in the refrigerated section, where it is in other Carrefours and Discos, it was on a display in the middle of the store...
  20. F

    The euro: How low can it go?

    From a purely selfish point of view, it can't go low enough. When I was there, last July, it was 1.49 to the U.S. Dollar. Still shopping was a pleasure with stores selling their stuff for 70% off. According to today´s Herald, the Euro is 1.30 to the dollar. Viva la difference !