¿lugar Para Dormir?

Frenchie, I positively recommend that people look after themselves. Needless to say someone who came to Buenos Aires looking for clean air is in the wrong place. A priest stopped looking after him because he isn't gay? He was hospitalised with diarrhoea? Desperate for help but doesnt know what language the site uses?

There are more holes in this story than we should naively gloss over. Call me what you will, but I call shenanigans.
Have you tried craigslist? I'm sure you probably have but there are a lot of jobs advertised there... http://buenosaires.es.craigslist.org/jjj/

Anyway, I hope things work out for you.
There are & will be critics (that I can understand since the web design thing is... well...), at least Eduard did not create a new profile, etc.

Better bring positive contributions like Shoush & Nikad. my 2 cts

On my side I can do nothing but if you are discapacited & are kind of struggling because you really want to live in SA, then you should monetize a blog (or use some crowd/fundsourcing thing), it would work.

I do have to say though, as much as not wanting to be critical, there seems to be a problem everywhere "eduardo" goes, seems to be the a case of "everyones against me..."
having no place to sleep, no money and being in a foreign country can be scary though, for that i say, call friends or go to the embassy!
I hear those saying the Dutch embassy. From what you say it sounds like its been a tough ride and I think you would be best regrouping j. The home land, if I was you I certainly would be doing that.

All the best.
With the bad luck he's having, If he goes back to Holland the dikes are likely to break flooding the whole country.

He has already contacted him embassy but they won't help him because he doesn't have the NEED to stay in Argentine, he is here because he WANTS to be here, quote from Eduard "¡Si, la embajada hace nada para la gente que quiere vivir en Argentina!"

source: http://www.expat-blog.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=261485

I would suggest he returns to him home country (with the help of his embassy if required), works for a while, then returns to continue with his vacation when he has saved some money...
I can't help thinking of the lady who was stitched up in Bariloche.
I can't believe no one has told him to pull himself up by his own bootstraps. Go to the embassy? Government shelters? Socialism!
I also have a scam detector on board & if it was a scam, that would be a poor one (mentioning chronic diarrhea and such?!). Also a scammer would change often his idendity (OP can be traced back in Chile). Still, the web design page is quite a poor choice but rather tends to indicate that OP is trying to find a solution to live.

So, in case that's for real, I'll abstain to tell the word "scam", rather "poor choices" and "poor situation".

But maybe I'm too naive, wouldn't be the first time!