$1,000 USD penalty for not buying health insurance?


Mar 25, 2007
As I understand it, American citizens will be required to buy health insurance under the health care reform bill in the US Congress. Failure to do so will result in a $1,000 fine. Does anyone know if there will be an exclusion for expats?
good luck trying to enforce it. if ppl can't afford health care, i doubt they will be able to afford the fine.

btw, can we get a citation on this?
Lawyers' abstract of current bill says $4,000 penalty on tax return, with subsidy to the poor. Plus ça change . . . .

you can watch it all on the internet.

there will be over 26 million Americans not covered (on purpose) by the new bill submitted by the Senate to the House...

There will be no penalty. Bad rumor just like the death panels.

Don't let anyone instill fear in you. It's an old tactic.
Carolina Girl said:

There will be no penalty.

If being insured is going to be mandatory, how else are they going to coerce people into buying health insurance?
The death panel business is a rumor, not the penalty. I am 100% in favor of health care reform but I'd far rather see something like the NHS than a pathetic plan that is far from universal and forces people to PAY!
Sergio, you're talking about SOCIALISM. *gasp*

'murica don't need none of that socialized nothin.
Carolina Girl said:

you can watch it all on the internet.

there will be over 26 million Americans not covered (on purpose) by the new bill submitted by the Senate to the House...

There will be no penalty. Bad rumor just like the death panels.

Don't let anyone instill fear in you. It's an old tactic.

READ THIS (written by someone who has READ the proposed legislation):


The "final" solutions, er, I mean versions of the "insurance reform" legislation (House and Senate) include penalties as well as "shared (end of life) decision making."

Be afraid, be very afraid.
Sorry, be afraid compared to what?

Your insurance company refusing to cover treatment because your plan doesn't cover it?

Only the richest and best insured can choose to have what ever procedure or treatment they want. The rest of the country settles for what their insurance company can't wriggle out of paying for. So that means death for plenty.

What shared decision making is currently involved with insurance companies? Usually a unilateral decision that you will die in pain, because treatment and pain relief isn't covered.

I don't understand the hysteria when there are functioning models of whats being proposed all around the world.

Nothing more than scaremongering.