10 Favorite Foods Of Argentinos....!!

From the south I like trout, various cheeses and the ahumados (especially boar and venison). Picada wonderland.

To wet the whistle it must be recognised that there a number of excellent micro breweries dotted round the country. Lots of good beer, you can get your hands of some (not cheaply) on El Cano in belgrano, can't remember the name of the shop but google cerveza + el cano and you'll find it. Schneider is pretty decent for mass market lager style beer.

Bizarrely, quilmes stout yields pretty good results in a good beef stew, but it's not the time of year for that. Cooking beer imho, not so much for the drinking, but handy in the kitchen. The less creamier the stout the better the stew for me.
And there is matambre a la pizza

From the south I like trout, various cheeses and the ahumados (especially boar and venison). Picada wonderland.

To wet the whistle it must be recognised that there a number of excellent micro breweries dotted round the country. Lots of good beer, you can get your hands of some (not cheaply) on El Cano in belgrano, can't remember the name of the shop but google cerveza + el cano and you'll find it. Schneider is pretty decent for mass market lager style beer.

Bizarrely, quilmes stout yields pretty good results in a good beef stew, but it's not the time of year for that. Cooking beer imho, not so much for the drinking, but handy in the kitchen. The less creamier the stout the better the stew for me.

There are lots of good microbreweries around the country.
The problem is there's only 1-2 that get picked up by the supermarkets/chinos and they are all crazily overpriced!

I like to visit them if i can, almost the guys say that its impossible to get good hops and they have to import them from Germany which you can imagine isn't the easiest thing to do right now.
How about Sorrentino ? Cooked in smoky ham and tomato sauce ? yum yum! You
need to try the one at Piegari located in La Recova

An invention Argentina can truly lay claim to as well (unlike the public bus, ballpoint pen etc..).
There are lots of good microbreweries around the country.
The problem is there's only 1-2 that get picked up by the supermarkets/chinos and they are all crazily overpriced!

I like to visit them if i can, almost the guys say that its impossible to get good hops and they have to import them from Germany which you can imagine isn't the easiest thing to do right now.

Yup, they are annoyingly expensive. That said, I would only have one or two at home over the weekend so I tend to pick them up as a wee treat. That shop on el Cano has a good selection, or at least a lot better than the supermarkets.

I was reading recently that certain quality beers (not lager or stout) age well if you leave them like wine. Thinking of conducting an experiment, taking 12 of the best I can lay my hands on and sticking them away under lock and key (in the baulera!) for a year, see how they come up next year.
but i think you forgot the mayonesa!

I was arguing with my friend the other day because she was saying that in america, we have a million sauces in our fridge, and we need to put a sauce on everything, and i told her it's the same here, but the difference is just that the sauce is always mayonesa.

For mayonesa, Chile is even worse than Argentina.