10 Favorite Foods Of Argentinos....!!

Can Provoleta make the list without causing too much controversy?

I love provoleta, which a chef friend of mine described as the "grilled cheese sandwich without the bread." For health reasons, I rarely eat it any more but, if out with friends, I try to get them to share one as an entrada so that I can get a bite without feeling too regretful about it.
What I love about Buenos Aires is that you can go and get fresh pasta from a local pasta factory almost at any time and it has just been made. It is much better than store bought pasta, and you just make yourself a nice sauce and throw the pasta into some hot water. In ten minutes you have a high quality meal. Fortunately, I have been able to find some more variety than what is listed here on this forum!
And there is matambre a la pizza


make that 'anything a la pizza'
Gringoboy, I don't know Zona Norte at all, but on the north side of the city is my friend Shahrukh's Indian restaurant, Tandoor: https://www.facebook.com/TandoorBA
Yes, indeed
Could not take a crap or release gas after I eat the massive grilled Argentino Provoleta.
Clog my entire internal system. Sorry to be so gross, can't help to tell the truth.