It's now been confirmed that despite public declarations to the contrary from AR officials, technically, all Argentines and residents are still required to stay at home for 14 days after arriving from abroad (often times arriving from territories with fewer infections than CABA). All this is done obviously for political reasons, with no scientific evidence to back such policy, esp. when a Brazilian tourist traveling to BA from BR with a PCR- is exempt but an Argentine traveling under the same conditions is not. There has been absolutely zero coverage in the media on this -- it's really strange.
I understand that this so called "mandatory and controlled quarantine" exists mostly just on paper. But do we actually have any RECENT cases (after September) of people being monitored and visited by authorities during those 14 days?
I understand that this so called "mandatory and controlled quarantine" exists mostly just on paper. But do we actually have any RECENT cases (after September) of people being monitored and visited by authorities during those 14 days?