In one article I read it claimed that the "marcadores" would hold up signs with false names as to blend in with the other drivers waiting for pickup. It went to say that they would pick victims out based on appearance, if that had fancy watches, etcetera. But, they seemed too lucky. They picked out a guy who was a multi-millionaire. He was said to have booked the combi before arriving to Argentina. If I had to guess, I would assume that they Googled the victims name and saw that he was wealthy or just that the destination was Faena, and planned the robbery ahead of time. I'm wondering if all the robberies happened while the victims used the same transportation company.
For all the flack that the security forces get here, it was quite impressive how they tracked them down so quickly. I hope this doesn't cause a backlash against Venezuelan immigrants. 99% of them are very hard working, decent people.
For all the flack that the security forces get here, it was quite impressive how they tracked them down so quickly. I hope this doesn't cause a backlash against Venezuelan immigrants. 99% of them are very hard working, decent people.