A Comment About All The Negativity


Mar 10, 2012
Sometimes when I read the posts on this site the negativity against/about Argentina comes oozing out of the screen like black slime. I've been here since 2006 so I've had a bit of time here and perhaps I can share some thoughts that might be helpful.

I went through the same negative phase the first year I was here. I couldn't help but compare what I was experiencing here to the life I knew in the States. "Why is this country so $*%!@# up?" I kept asking. Why does it take 12 weeks to get a working phone/internet line in my apartment? Why do I need to stand in line for 2 hours at the bank just to pay a bill? Why can't people drive in their own lane? Why? Why? Why?

The answer is because this is Argentina. That is the way it is here.
Are the politics pretty screwed up? Yes
Is there an issue with security? Yes
Is the government and police forces corrupt? Yes
Are all the trash cans invisible? Yes
Is there a big disparity between rich and poor? Yes (have you been to the US recently?)
etc, etc, etc

But ...
Is this an absolutely beautiful country? Yes
Does Argentina have a rich cultural heritage? Yes
Are the women (and men) here gorgeous? Yes
Does Argentina have a highly educated population? Yes
Does BsAs have extraordinary public transport? Yes

If you get stuck on finding all the negatives you'll miss out on what is truly extraordinary about this place. It's like going to China, rolling your eyes at the food and eating at McDonald's, instead.

I suggest getting yourself involved in your community. If you can't stand CK's policies go volunteer your time to help another political party. If you can't stand the litter on the street start a community clean-up project. If the city is getting to you go visit other parts of Argentina. I've been to every provence by motorcycle except Tierra del Fuego and Missiones.

This is a stunning country and you are here for a reason. Be an active, good citizen of the country in which you live. You might find the negatives fading a bit and you'll be suprised at what great people and experiences you'll discover. There are much worse places in the world to spend your time.

Just my .02

I agree with you thats its always great to try and stay as positive as you can and look on the bright side. I certainly am not a long time expat however I understand a lot of the negativity at times, this country has a lot of great things (and personally for now I really enjoy it) but once you spend some time here you realise exactly why its not a first world country.

Without wanting to speak for people, it seems that a lot of people here started out very optimistic and positive but due to experiences they no longer feel that way.

And I dont think the old saying of if you dont like it leave is necessarily applicable for everyone. For example, I think there are a lots of expats that wouldnt be here if not for partners, family, work etc.
Jeff, fully agree with first part of your message.

For the end of your message my experience is a bit different: I started very positive and now I am a bit (just a bit) more negative. May be because is time for me to experience another Country. May be because the import/export issues of the last months hit my business strongly.

bytheway thanks to push us to keep a positive thinking.
Agree with you on the part that even though there are a lot of messed up things, this country does have a lot to offer.

Couple of things that I don't agree with are:

1) I didn't come here from the US, I came here from another third world country and what pisses me off is not that its different but that its exactly the same as that other country that I came here from.
2) Most of the posts here are actually positive. A lot of people ask for help about certain matters related to Argentina, etc. If the number of negative posts seems to have increased, that has got directly to do with the number of idiotic negative things to complain about in Argentina that have increased.

As for people saying things like "re-locate", etc. Honestly, this is really one of the most idiotic things to say here. Like trennod said, a lot of us are here because of family. If we could, we would move.

Also, my understanding is that people complain here because they want for this place to be better. Not because "oh this sucks" but because "it used to be better and is now going downhill".

I, for one, am thankful that there is a good balance of both positive and negative posts here and I think people need to stop complaining about the negative posts. If you don't like it, don't read it.
This country has much to offer or none of us would be here. That said its hard not to be disappointed by the country's refusal to harness what it has and take its rightful place in the world. Instead, crazy politicians continue to rule and we're headed into another crisis. Laws change daily and much needed foreign investment continues to decline. We're the new Venezuela! While next door Brazil and Chile have found stability and joined the global economy.

I can accept long lines and people not staying in their lane, but that's the small stuff.

Sorry, but in the face of what's truly happpening here, while i can enjoy much here, I'm deeply sad for the Argentines for whom this is life. They can't pack up and leave when crisis hits again and gain.
jb5 said:
This country has much to offer or none of us would be here. That said its hard not to be disappointed by the country's refusal to harness what it has and take its rightful place in the world. Instead, crazy politicians continue to rule and we're headed into another crisis. Laws change daily and much needed foreign investment continues to decline. We're the new Venezuela! While next door Brazil and Chile have found stability and joined the global economy.

I can accept long lines and people not staying in their lane, but that's the small stuff.

Sorry, but in the face of what's truly happpening here, while i can enjoy much here, I'm deeply sad for the Argentines for whom this is life. They can't pack up and leave when crisis hits again and gain.
True there is good potential here. But history is purely history and Argentina suffers from severe repeated self mutilation syndrome. They elect self serving and self destructive representatives who one by one reduce the middle class in order to stay in the royal throne and each one succeeds in taking Argentina down one more notch.
I feel for most of my friends here because they deserve better but , really, if you want Better then you have to fight for something better. "Better" comes with a price.
It's the same thing we are seeing in the States currently. We went to sleep and ended up with a totally disfunctional congress that needs to be flushed completely. Where are the fighters? The agents of change are busy with their cell phones sending pictures to facebook and you tube. So we too got what we deserved.
jb5 said:
Sorry, but in the face of what's truly happpening here, while i can enjoy much here, I'm deeply sad for the Argentines for whom this is life. They can't pack up and leave when crisis hits again and gain.

I agree with JB5. I would also add that not all of us are perma-tourists. Some of us have jobs, families, businesses, etc. here. and it's frustrating to see what is going on here. Sure, I have a US passport and technically can go back anytime, but not without difficulty.