Steve Forbes' Commentary on Milei

He could have asked his staff to write this opinion piece, or just signed it "the editors".
Milei considers The Donald and US conservatives natural allies. Forbes, is a Heritage Foundation conservative think tank trustee who previously campaigned on behalf of Libertarian Ron Paul. Milei shares a lot of the same policy ideas.

Man with half a billion net worth thinks man who loves billionaires/hate taxes is good; more at 11.
Half a billion is chump change for democracy savior Mark Zuckerberg, who can buy an election for a measly 400 million while censoring opposing views inside his social media empire.
"said von Spakovsky, a Republican who now runs the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative"

There's that group again lol.

Zuck is evil just like Forbes, every billionaire/multimillonare is, you don't get that rich without selling your soul.

Democrats will be fine with a Milei presidency because at the end of the day the thing that unities the two parties is their hate of leftists and anyone who threatens American hegemony, and Milei is neither of these
Man with half a billion net worth thinks man who loves billionaires/hate taxes is good; more at 11.
He rightly inherited that money and that Forbes media bullhorn from his father, who also inherited the fortune from his father. It is now his responsibility to tax shelter his money to continue the legacy for his children and grandchildren, and so-on.
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