A Friend Was Robbed In Mar Del Plata And Needs Our Help!


Jul 27, 2006
One of my expat (and facebook) friends was robbed in Mar del Plata. She lost her money, celular, car papers, etc. She doesn't have any money for a hotel or nafta to get back to BA. I offered to pay for a hotel on line with my cc if that's possible. Even if it is she still will need money tomorrow to buy nafta.

If anyone knows someone in Mar del Plata who could help her in the morning pleas send me a PM. My friend can make a bank deposit to repay any funds she might borrow. I know she's good for it and I'll guarantee repayment, too.

Thanks in advance!
Just a note to let those who offered to help know that everything worked out OK. A local in Mar del Plata (who didn't know our expat friend) loaned her enough money to pay for her hotel and buy nafta. Special thanks go to the forum member who sent me a PM with an offer to help from a ship at sea!
Really good to hear everything worked out Steve. Real bummer. Have been jammed up myself and it is a helpless feeling. Got cash strapped in Nepal once and an Australian couple helped me: bus company would not accept CC. Will never forget it. Restored my faith in humanity.
I have to laugh. I also got a message that my friend, who lives in Uruguay, had been robbed while on vacation and didn't even have money to pay for her hotel for the night and would I wire her money and she would pay me back immediately via her bank. (giggle-giggle) I had not heard that she was going on vacation so I called her number in Uruguay and she answered. I said "Oh so you aren't stranded in Nairobi (or wherever, can't remember but it was in Africa) without money!" What a scam. But of course I know this situation here was different and was real. But it sounded so close to this other "message" from my own friend it struck me pretty funny.