A reputable property management firm ?


Jul 7, 2006
Does anyone know of a good, well established property management firm please ? I am thinking of a trust worthy firm used to
dealing with foreigners, such as Reynolds (except not Reynolds because I did very poorly years ago using them trying to
find tenants. The agents weren´t interested.) Thanks !
Contact Max Gotz: 15-5329-7248 (cell).

He speaks perfect english, has a lengthy, long term list of foreign property owners and deals straight.
Thanks very much ! Does anyone happen to know how long Max Gotz has been managing Buenos Aires properties please ?
Thanks for the link to his site ! Apologies, I should not post before I have my coffee. I see he´s been in business 4 years.
Does anyone know of a good, well established property management firm please ? I am thinking of a trust worthy firm used to
dealing with foreigners, such as Reynolds (except not Reynolds because I did very poorly years ago using them trying to
find tenants. The agents weren´t interested.) Thanks !
You might be making an error???

Climates change, personalities change and methods / operational procedures change.

You owe it to yourself to have an open mind when beginning anew so many years after an unsatisfactory experience. Yes, I know, you were disappointed in Reynold's level of service way back when. But what they offer today, may be quite different ... and of course it could be the same or worse, but you will never know if you rule them out before revisiting the idea.

The longer ago the adverse event, the more things may have changed. People move on. And let's face it, people (EMPLOYEES) give the company their image. Bad people / bad work ethics ... bad company. Good people / good work ethics ... good company. It is possible employers have come and gone. It's also possible the culture of the company has changed. These details could yield vastly different levels of performance and service.

I urge you to be open minded and not rule anything out until you can confirm it in the present moment of time.

I have learned this lesson a couple of times in my life. Keeping an open mind has worked sometimes. But, you'll never know unless you try.
You might be making an error???

Climates change, personalities change and methods / operational procedures change.

You owe it to yourself to have an open mind when beginning anew so many years after an unsatisfactory experience. Yes, I know, you were disappointed in Reynold's level of service way back when. But what they offer today, may be quite different ... and of course it could be the same or worse, but you will never know if you rule them out before revisiting the idea.

The longer ago the adverse event, the more things may have changed. People move on. And let's face it, people (EMPLOYEES) give the company their image. Bad people / bad work ethics ... bad company. Good people / good work ethics ... good company. It is possible employers have come and gone. It's also possible the culture of the company has changed. These details could yield vastly different levels of performance and service.

I urge you to be open minded and not rule anything out until you can confirm it in the present moment of time.

I have learned this lesson a couple of times in my life. Keeping an open mind has worked sometimes. But, you'll never know unless you try.
Thanks, that´s a very valid point ! Has anyone had recent experience using Propiedades Reynolds as a property manager please ?
Thanks, that´s a very valid point ! Has anyone had recent experience using Propiedades Reynolds as a property manager please ?
I used them during 2017 in that role but wasn't thrilled. They did a job of sorts but I wouldn't vouch for them.