A restaurant that has me addicted ( First Time in BA )

No offense, but you all put a lot of energy into your arguments without any conclusion or impact on anyone.

I hope it was worth your time.
and regardless if Perry has, or doesn't have, a special relationship with the restaurant, this website or anything else...his original point still remains: the food there is pretty damn good!
darmanad said:
Are you a real estate pro?
Do you advertise property at this site?
Do you have a relationship with the administrator? Do your posts on property you are handling enjoy any kind of special status here, like being made into a "sticky" or otherwise made to appear prominent? I suspected you enjoy a special relationship because I sent a messsage to administration about a year ago questioning the propriety of a uniquely commercial post of yours. I received a reply indicating there was some sort of priviledge extended to you. If this post lives to see the light of day I am even more suspicious of a special relationship because it was censored once already. Incredible.

Please reread my post. I never said you spoke to the Sipan mgmt or get any benefits from it. I only said that because of what I have observed in the way of apparent special status here I was skeptical and suspected you may have had a relationship with Sipan mgmt (I still am skeptical). That can hardly be a lie that would be known as such to you. Nor did I say anything negative about Sipan.
As an aside in regard to your passion for food, sorry, but the nature of your review/comments on Sipan does not impress me as being from a true, articulate foodie, at least someone who wants to convincingly tout a restaurant by giving the readier some insight. There are lots of general superlatives but very little specificity for someone who dined there 3 times last week. One only wonders where in the world you have'eaten sushi that you can make the claim that Sipan's sushi is among the best in the world. But that is just my opinion and is not central to your hyperventilation over my skepticism.

Of greater interest to me are your comments about my posts which you describe as "very inflammatory , extremely rascist and the most narrow minded of any member of our community." On one hand I am flattered that you have read (if you really have) some of my posts, many of which have been submitted to track recently reported events taking place around the globe and in direct response to the Islamophobia Crusade threads started by Big Bad Lamb. Moreover, I am glad that you suggest people look at the World Politics threads. Perhaps someone with an informed opinion can comment pro or con. To date no one seems up to the task - including you (as of the time I originally posted this Perry had not posted a reply in World Politics -subsequently he has. As expected his comment is as inane as his comments here and equally lacking merit or redeeming social value).
On the other hand, I deny that my posts are inflammatory, racist or narrow minded. I invite you to point out exactly which posts or words within my posts demonstrate these characteristics. Please do. I want to be enlightened by you.

Darmanad, I am sure that as much as Perry has a profession/job everybody does and as long as it is not blatant spam everybody is free to post about their business here...I´m just saying. The fact that you work in RE or any other business does not prevent you from talking about food! We all like to go out to restaurants ;):rolleyes:
I have been here for 5 years and restaurants are one of my greatest passions. Unfortunately as many know there not many great restaurants in Buenos Aires that can offer quality food consistenly .

Today I had lunch at Sipan a Ceviche Mixta that exceeded my expectations with a tremendous array of fresh raw seafood and vegetables served with a tangy spicy sauce . This was served with corn husks and was a meal in itself. I had a fresh mango juice which was also superb.

I am looking forward to my next visit
ok, that (the recent postings, my god!!) settles it for me. i am going to check out sipan. sounds good to me!
Now I am curious about their ceviche. I have been to Sipan before and frankly found it to be comparable to any number of nicer-ish Peruvian-fusion restaurants (Bardot, M, Mochica, Contigo Peru etc) although certainly in a nicer atmosphere than some. It was good but it was not amazing and hasn't lured me back.

Although they lack in presentation/ambiance, I actually think the best Peruvian food I've had is in the realllllly simple places (Status, Mamani) although those with amazing ambiance and service (Pozo Santo - by far the best pisco sours) certainly offer an all-around incredible experience.
Thanks for the recommendation. I've been a big fan of Osaka and am looking forward to checking out other options.

We went to Paru (on Bonpland) last Wednesday and I found the food to be amazing there. Really fresh sushi (white tuna!), mango salmon carpaccio, amazing lamb chops, and more. They definitely made it to my top BA restaurant list.
perry said:
I have been here for 5 years and restaurants are one of my greatest passions. Unfortunately as many know there not many great restaurants in Buenos Aires that can offer quality food consistenly.

You obviously haven't tried the pizza in this town. Most say that it's the Best Pizza in the World!

(Do a quick Search if you don't believe me.)
Napoleon said:
You obviously haven't tried the pizza in this town. Most say that it's the Best Pizza in the World!

(Do a quick Search if you don't believe me.)

I have given up on Pizza in Buenos Aires in general but do believe that there are a few excellent places .

Food is definetly improving here in BA with many more choices and more use of spices in the cooking.

I am slowly detecting a changing of the Argentinian palate to tasting the unknown and become more daring in their kitchen.
I find it incredible that a well intentioned post by someone who is enchanted by a particular restaurant gets attacked for no apparent reason.
Why is there so much bitchiness nowadays?FFS!
And kudos to Perry for standing his ground.
I'm going for a lie down in a darkened room now....................