A simple traffic accident can be dangerous

nicoenarg said:
...the crowd made it worse by siding with the people doing the wrong just because you're a foreigner.

I would do it proper though, with lawyers and all. No reason pressing charges and then face similar reaction (like the crowd) in a court.

Yeah, that was the part that really made things worse after all that. They had watched their buddy sucker punch me, I'm obviously wounded and bleeding, and I'm somehow some kind of object of revulsion. It felt like something out of Star Trek for a moment, like when Captain Kirk and crew were on the planet that time when they found the kids in that deserted town, all the "grups" dead. Heh. I mean, really, it was like a mob of young kids about to tear the alien apart.

I have a good immigration lawyer and I'm going to ask him to suggest a lawyer to me. I think the best way to go is probably civil, but I don't know yet. I do want to send them a message that this just isn't right.
It makes me feel sick to read what happened to you - and that no one offered to help or make sure you were ok. I hope you are ok, and that there is no lasting damage to your eye.

If it was me i would press charges, the kid too. I would also get hold of all video evidence before it gets wiped or whatever they do with it.

From what you said, you had right of way, he was in the wrong from start to finish. It doesnt matter if you were driving fast or whatever. The other guy was to blame for everything that happened.

And as you say, this guy is encouraging his coward little brat to act in that manor too.

To think they acted like that for something so small, and only because he thinks its his right.
First of all, I am very sorry about what happened to you. A horrendous injury from what should have been a fairly simple exchange of information, topped off by public humiliation. My heart hurt to read this. I hope you can recover physically and psychologically as fast as possible.

Okay, now business. Get familiar with the law here. Take pictures of your injuries and what happened to your car. Keep every single test result and exam from the hospital. Hopefully what you signed won't hurt your case, but if it does, perhaps you could prove that you weren't in a state to sign such a document and have it tossed. Lawyer up and do all the other things you mentioned doing (camera footage, etc.) Then NAIL THEIR ASSES TO THE WALL. I don't necessarily mean sue them for all they are worth, but don't back down. Make this wrong right. It won't be an easy ride and by all means BE CAREFUL (who knows what kind of friends they have, know what I mean?) but you deserve justice and fairness in this situation.

I hope you get the resolution you desire and deserve.

ETA--I would say this no matter what country it happened in.
I'm so sorry about what happened to you:(
Take it easy tonight and the next few days and worry about your health. That's the most important thing.
ElQueso, I was with you every step of the way, enraged as hell.

You said, "Maybe you missed a cultural cue"

F*ck that! You were brutally assaulted not once but twice, the first time being when your car was rammed.

The second assailant falsely stated he was a minor, to deflect retaliation.

Then a crowd of bystanders jeered and mocked you because of your perceived nationality.

In the US these people would face a prison sentence for sure.

Get mad. Stay mad. These people need consequences.

Also, a frustrating thing about here is that no matter how poorly you get treated, even when you're getting assaulted, you are considered the victimizer if you fight back. I always have to remind myself to smile through a bunch of bullshit, no matter how bad it gets.
Sorry to hear about this incident.
Take care of yourself . Hope you have a full and speedy recovery.
And I agree. Get yourself a good lawyer! If for nothing else but selfsatisfaction.
I really hope you recover fully from this. The eye injury for me is the most important thing, it was sickening to read the part about possibly losing it. I remember the pain from a recent paper cut in the cornea (minor in comparison) and the hospital aleman were great with their treatment and follow-up care. All the best to you.
IMHO -- Medical first. Then when you are better you can think about the legal part. I'm very sorry for what happened to you but taking care of your body is really the most important thing right now. I would also consider getting a second opinion about the eye; it's always a good idea with something so serious.
I hope you are better very soon.
While the injury to your eye is a great cause for concern, I think the second most disturbing thing about this is the fact that the Argie on-lookers had such a negative attitude toward a foreigner.

If foreigners are despised and reviled in BA, why should they continue to spend their time and money there?
I'm shaking with rage just reading your post, first I hope you are recovering fast & well...secondly, the anger you must be feeling must be hard enough alone...but I hope you can channel that anger into positive productive civil action against these parasites.

Cowardly parasites that's what they are, they knew they had the advantage...unfortunately human garbage can be found in all countries, perhaps there's an oversupply here, not sure, I'm sorry to say. I have to share that your story reminded me of my early experiences back in Australia when we first emigrated there...that horrible feeling you get in the gut when a crowd of spineless cowards go against you just cause you look like a foreigner. I had many of these experiences as a dark skinned kid in Sydney...so I identify & empathize with you & wish you peace inside...these experiences will never leave you, but hopefully they will loose their charge over time.

If you need any of my help in what ever way you can think of, just PM me.

I wish you a speedy recovery.