It is not Argentina that makes you opportunistic. You can look for tenant-landlord horror stories for both sides in any city of the world. My parents rented their house in Mexico City to the sister of Miguel de la Mardid, who was president of Mexico at the time. The nice middle aged lady, did not pay the rent in a year... My parents got into a legal fight to evict her and then when she finally left, the house was trashed. Toilets smashed with a mallet, wallpaper ripped and curse words written on the walls... very nice. Then, as a renter. I have had landlords that don't do any upkeep of the property, who just keep the security deposit -I promise it was not called for... and that was in the US. The only difference is that in the US the rent contract is very specific and there is not much the owner or the renter can deviate from. So, in our case we lost the security deposit, that was it.
People are people. What can I say?
People are people. What can I say?