Aduana nightmare


Jul 27, 2011
Hi guys We are being shafted big time in Oran trying to get our enduros across into Bolivia to complete a circuit back to BA. The import licence from Chile expired because of hold ups associated with the Chch earthquake and the local fashion police (Aduana jefe) with the rolex watch wants us to buy him a dairy farm to release the bikes. any ideas?go the blacks lyall
Unfortunately it's a complete nightmare if your car import license expires in Argentina.. i was on a road trip to Chile with a friend back in December, he had an Audi he'd imported from California and had let the Argentine import papers expire.
We thought that it would be a simple process of getting to the border of Chile and paying a fine, but when we got there they seized the car and said we had to go to Mendoza and deal with it there. After a week or so of being sent to various different governent offices and dealing with some very unhelpful people (they said they wouldnt process it until march as the holidays were about to start in 5 days time, and that they dont work before holidays), finally we got to meet the manager... a few days later he called and said the fine would be 8,000 USD!!!!!
Anyway in the end my friend decided to leave it as the car wasnt worth that much. Unbelievable how they can come up with such a figure out of the air, for an expired document! Total corruption. Makes me very bitter thinking about it.

Anyway good luck with your car, maybe they're more relaxed up there.
get yourself a customs handler ASAP and they know how to deal with it - but there is *money* involved - as you can already tell you won't avoid that - there is a spanish phrase for this - there are several in BA - and they really DO make all the difference - several of my friends have been caught in similar situations - and I have contacts for people who can help you out here...