Advice Needed: Temp Residence -> Perm Residence Or Stay As T

And I do not suggest trying to bribe them!

Def not!

Thanks for the advice stevenbsas et al. School is trying to make up for the lost time but I'm afraid that after a certain point we would need be 'oiling' someone within Ministerio de Educacion to help push it through the different dptments. (and to be fair to the uni, Ministerio de Educacion told them the first time that they won't/can't legalized the documentation that DNM was asking - it was my mistake to NOT push them harder to comply and wasted time believing them that "nothing could be done" before my first turno).

Anyway, on DNM website I found this regarding MERCOSUR:

No mention of EXTRA MERCOSUR, would it mean that I do need or is it more like based on one's face/humour?
Just wanted to report back that I successfully got my Permanent residence approved on the last day of my temp residency via "union convivencial" with a Argentinian.

I was at Migraciones with my conyuge and showed the clerk:
- Certificado de union de convivencia,
- Argentine Antecedentes Penales
- DNI from both of us
- Passport
- certificado de residencia (from PFA)

I believe this was all. The tramite in my case was "Cambio de categoria" for 2000 ARS (60 ARS for new DNI).
Just wanted to report back that I successfully got my Permanent residence approved on the last day of my temp residency via "union convivencial" with a Argentinian.

The tramite in my case was "Cambio de categoria" for 2000 ARS (60 ARS for new DNI).

This is really great to hear!

Congratulations and best wishes for both of you!