Advice On Buying A Gun

If I was one of these chained fellas, I'd really want to have a gun. And I'd really mistrust the institution who chained me (and took my children away) to decide who is and who is not fit to own a gun.

If I was one of these chained fellas, I'd really want to have a gun. And I'd really mistrust the institution who chained me (and took my children away) to decide who is and who is not fit to own a gun.


Great post.
Great post.
If I was one of these chained fellas, I'd really want to have a gun. And I'd really mistrust the institution who chained me (and took my children away) to decide who is and who is not fit to own a gun.


If you were one of these chained fellows, you'd get mowed down even if you had an Uzi. This is a classic case of try to illustrate something completely out of context.
Respectfully per your post. Quoting you, "Your objective is not to shoot anyone it is to get them out of your house." Chambering a round is going to have them going for their arms if they know what that sounds like. Perhaps you ment something else but your post came across to me as using the firearm to scare people.

So you think a thief who is breaking into your house will have their weapon holstered? Chambering a round and shooting off a warning shot are not the same thing. And I disagree 100% with your suggestion that the objective is to shoot them in the head and kill them. Aside from the very flawed defensive strategy you don't shoot for the head. If you want home defense training I can give it to you. My fee is $500USD per hour. Takes about 3 hours.



Another day another almost tragic shooting, its such a shame nothing can be done to stop this sort of thing.

US boy, three, shoots both parents in New Mexico

Another day, more tragic accidents that took lives of 16 people and hurt many others, if only we could ban these murderous cars!!

Another day another almost tragic shooting, its such a shame nothing can be done to stop this sort of thing.

US boy, three, shoots both parents in New Mexico

Can you say HOAX for gun control?

You have a US incident in New Mexico yet you cant find it in New Mexico papers, or websites? You have to find it in UK website?

Can you say someone here has an agenda to push?

And maybe the truth or facts dont fit their agenda so they INVENT a disaster, no one would do that would they?

Another day, more tragic accidents that took lives of 16 people and hurt many others, if only we could ban these murderous cars!!

The Argentine road laws are in desperate need of being enforced, The people here are terrible at driving and there are a tonne of vehicles that should have been scrapped in the 70s.

Can you say HOAX for gun control?

You have a US incident in New Mexico yet you cant find it in New Mexico papers, or websites? You have to find it in UK website?

Can you say someone here has an agenda to push?

And maybe the truth or facts dont fit their agenda so they INVENT a disaster, no one would do that would they?

The Argentine road laws are in desperate need of being enforced, The people here are terrible at driving and there are a tonne of vehicles that should have been scrapped in the 70s.

So you edit my post, where i quote the lie about boy killing parents that supposedly happened in New Mexico yet cant be found, then you change it to look like I posted that about car accidents..

Then put a tin hat picture insinuating, Im some kind of consiracy theroist. What a piece of work, you shill much?

Im writing facts, try using facts, instead of silly pictures, they have no basis in fact!

First thing people pushing an agenda do, try to attack or discredit someone who has valid points! Your agenda is showing!
Different car crashes in the world (ban the murderous cars!!!!!!): 3 dead, US. 1 dead, Canada 3 dead, Australia.

It's sad that Argentina's lack of law enforcement is affecting the US, Canada and Australia. We really should ban cars to fix this problem!