Advice On Buying A Gun

All I will say about whether or not to own a weapon is if you have kids then don't have a weapon for self defense. Get a big, loud dog instead. With kids in the house you'll need to lock up the weapon which eliminates it's usefulness on short notice.

For home self-defense I recommend a 12 gauge shotgun. At 3:15 am when you are half asleep and the adrenaline is running the possibility of you being able to hit your target with a handgun is remote. Shotguns are easy to aim, they do lots of damage, rounds are less likely to penetrate walls hitting the wrong people, the ammo is relatively inexpensive, and the sound of chambering a shell gives the bad guy something to think about and time to retreat. Your objective is NOT to shoot anyone. Your objective is to get them out of your house.

Good luck!

With one objection.. the objective is not to get them out of your house it is to kill them hopefully with a head shot as quickly as possible.
Oh no! My feelings are SOOO hurt. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, not like you're adding anything valuable. Adios.

Just last week, a toddler accidentally shot his poor father, with a loaded gun, lying in the drawer.

Really where?

You know i keep hearing these stories, odd thing is, i have seen an actual article for 2 different US paper, thing was it was in two areas across the US, more than 2000 miles away, yet the toddler and the fathers pictures were the same????

I would call that a HOAX, played by anit-gun activitist. What would you call it?

By the way, i dont own a gun, but some of you all need them, what for, i dont know, after all whos the real villians?

I hope some idiot comes my way, im frustrated, angry, and need to change my vibrations so i will gladly deal a good beating to any thug coming my way, if they re carrying guns, great i get new weapon for free!

AS i said practice how not to lose those weapons, either in case you come up against someone trying to take them from you or you are just clumbsy, and gullible.

The boogieman is out there, but who is he, im a good guy, are you awake enough to tell who the badguys are?
Bersa is a fine pistol considering the price,it;s model after the German ppK ,the 380 caliber it's also fine if you are an aging adult having difficulties working the slide on a Colt .45 or handling the recoil
It's a myth that racking one in the chamber will send the burglars packing.... all you did is gave away you position...
I would find a gun you can shoot and feel comfortable with,and practice as much as you can, i would never buy a second rated air bag or seat belt for my truck, same applies to the one thing one day might save your or your family's life
And as i posted in other threads in the past, a gun at less than 7 paces becomes a liability when confronted by a knife and a fully awake and decided attacker

As far as the legal aspect of it, i will not get into it , just say that in order to stand trial you first must be alive.....I hope this helped
I hope some idiot comes my way, im frustrated, angry, and need to change my vibrations so i will gladly deal a good beating to any thug coming my way, if they re carrying guns, great i get new weapon for free!

LOL I know exactly how you feel.. Thankfully I only feel that way for a few months out of the year now. You know when the Argie invade coastal Uruguay for the summer vacation.
All I will say about whether or not to own a weapon is if you have kids then don't have a weapon for self defense. Get a big, loud dog instead. With kids in the house you'll need to lock up the weapon which eliminates it's usefulness on short notice.

For home self-defense I recommend a 12 gauge shotgun. At 3:15 am when you are half asleep and the adrenaline is running the possibility of you being able to hit your target with a handgun is remote. Shotguns are easy to aim, they do lots of damage, rounds are less likely to penetrate walls hitting the wrong people, the ammo is relatively inexpensive, and the sound of chambering a shell gives the bad guy something to think about and time to retreat. Your objective is NOT to shoot anyone. Your objective is to get them out of your house.

Good luck!

I wanted to reply to this in greater detail. This is a prefect example of why everyone should be trained related to fire arms and the use of them.

So you have a shot gun and a creepy thief is in your house. And you let off a warning shot trying to scare the bad buy out. Well what if the bad guy has a gun also? Then you are possibly going to be in a situation where the bad guy is shooting back, when you could have been in a situation where the bad guy is now dead. You just significantly increased the chances of you or one of your family members getting shot or worse. These creeps have nothing to loose and often are on drugs which means they are basically crazy and playing games with them should not be considered an option when guns are in the mix.
Duplicate post. I think the forum software has a bug with latest FireFox the system is posting my posts 2 or 3 times.
I wanted to reply to this in greater detail. This is a prefect example of why everyone should be trained related to fire arms and the use of them.

So you have a shot gun and a creepy thief is in your house. And you let off a warning shot trying to scare the bad buy out.

Let off a warning shot? Who said anything about a warning shot? Respectfully, this statement indicates you know nothing of firearms or home defense.