Advice On Buying A Gun

Of course my friend guns are supposed to be stored in locked lockers. Not unlocked drawers. And if you want security while you sleep you take the gun out of the locker put it in a locked case near the bed with the key in it. There are cases that require both a key and button press you can open in less than 5 seconds that no child can open. In the morning you put the gun back in the gun locker. Actually I prefer to sleep with my HUGE Asado kit on floor now days. LOL I can do allot more damage with that is a confined space anyway.

And where in Buenos Aires can you find those safety buttons that open in less than 5 seconds? Mercadolibre?
In Argentina if you defend yourself you are in deep shit. If every other law here is backwards why would you ever expect self defense to be forward. You are guilty until proven innocent. It's an interesting concept but it protects the criminal.
So the training should include: familiarize yourself with unmonitored hiking paths across the border to have one or more escape routes after self defense.
So the training should include: familiarize yourself with unmonitored hiking paths across the border to have one or more escape routes after self defense.

The training should include the following :-

1. Classroom coaching with some written notes, understanding the mechanism of a gun. learning about history of the gun and various types of guns. Perils of using a gun. Advantages of keeping the same
2. A written exam compulsory to be passed. In various languages as the candidate desires.
3.Practical classes in loading/unloading a gun. Use of Safety devices on a gun.
4. Practical classes in shooting/taking aim
5. Practical exam on topics of 3 nd 4.
6. Finally a license to own and keep a gun detailing types on guns its valid for depending on the exam results and knowledge of the person.
7. Refreshment classes and exams every 3 years.
All I will say about whether or not to own a weapon is if you have kids then don't have a weapon for self defense. Get a big, loud dog instead. With kids in the house you'll need to lock up the weapon which eliminates it's usefulness on short notice.

For home self-defense I recommend a 12 gauge shotgun. At 3:15 am when you are half asleep and the adrenaline is running the possibility of you being able to hit your target with a handgun is remote. Shotguns are easy to aim, they do lots of damage, rounds are less likely to penetrate walls hitting the wrong people, the ammo is relatively inexpensive, and the sound of chambering a shell gives the bad guy something to think about and time to retreat. Your objective is NOT to shoot anyone. Your objective is to get them out of your house.

Good luck!
gs, damn we think alike. you need to add if he is breaking down you door, you have have a good chance of discouraging him with...rack a round in the chamber...I am armed and in fear of my life and my families.. leave now or I will defend myself and my family. if he is in a dark room..yours..have a Louisville slugger close and do the best you can.
sevi to answer your question on weapons. shotguns are available for inexpensive prices. I don't know argentine available 12 gauge shotguns. the 12 gauge shotgun is in my opinion the correct gauge. you have said, it for home defense. you need the shortest legal barrel available. pump action is best for effect. usually a three cartridge max. your not shooting skeet in competition or hunting birds. remmington of course is great, but look for a reasonably priced shotgun with interchangeable barrels. I have a Winchester, model 1300 defender. it came with both barrels. I mount it over the door to the master closet. the Louisville slugger is leaning against the wall next to the bed with a picture of willie mays above it. hope this helps