Aerolineas Cancellations

Talking to an Argie friend a few minutes ago and he assures me that about 40/50 senior managers in Aerolineas have taken early retirement in the last 12 /18 months . Avwrages length of service 20/25 years.

Cant possibly be linked to all the stuff that has been happening......
Actually, I think Buho was right. All the problems seem to be happening in Aeroparque (AEP) - one of the central hubs!

All flights from Villa Culo to Lomas de Mierda seem to be running on time.

Never heard of flights from Villa Luro to Loma del Orto ? B)
I can't help but laugh... They love shoving promotional material in your face on the in flight VOD and magazines about how proud the country should be of Aerolineas and how great they are... Always promoting the rapid increase in the amount of flights and destinations as well... Talk about poop on your face - unfortunately I can't say I'm surprised... I remember a year back I would flip a coin to decide whether or not I went to the airport or went straight to Retiro to catch a long haul bus because cancellations were so frequent. This was after I got so sick of them cancelling my flight time after time and being forced to taxi back and forth between Retiro and AEP because the muppets had no idea what was happening.
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Just in theory: how big of a mess one would need to create in order to get removed as the CEO of a state airline? More than 100 cancelations in a few days and no ticket sales during one of the prime seasons are apparently not enough...
Just in theory: how big of a mess one would need to create in order to get removed as the CEO of a state airline? More than 100 cancelations in a few days and no ticket sales during one of the prime seasons are apparently not enough...

Was thinking exactly this today in the morning.

Just to be clear, I don't think every state airline is (mis)managed anywhere near the scale of Aerolineas Argentinas. Plenty of airlines used to be - and still are - state-owned, without coming anywhere close to being a national joke. The issue here is that Aerolineas is not simply a state-owned airline, it's a 100% crony political operation. A place where jobs are handed out to people who someone decides need jobs. A place where making money is not a priority, where not losing money - huge amounts of it - is not a priority, where running efficiently is not a priority, where it seems there are no priorities, period.

But yeah, I was thinking today: is there anything Recalde could do - operationally, not politically - that would get him fired?

A client of mine needs to fly here from Formosa next week. Best I can get him is to go to Asuncion, Paraguay and fly TAM from there. This place is insane.
The issue here is that Aerolineas is not simply a state-owned airline, it's a 100% crony political operation. A place where jobs are handed out to people who someone decides need jobs. A place where making money is not a priority, where not losing money - huge amounts of it - is not a priority, where running efficiently is not a priority, where it seems there are no priorities, period.

Actually, Aerolíneas is a place where losing money is a priority.
Subsidies para todas - until they run out of money and have another crash... Well done Cristina.