Aerolineas Cancellations

You don't understand anything about airlines, or logistics in general, if you think that cancellations in one region cause the entire system to collapse. It certainly doesn't in most of the rest of the world.

But, maybe you are right. Aerolineas Argentinas is so incompetently run that may a delay in Bariloche collapses the entire system.

I'll be buying two tickets in the next week or so. I will absolutely not fly Aerolineas Argentinas. I am sure I am not alone.

You forgot that there was a union "working by the book" strike and i explained how does this boycott works. Right! Facts doesn't fit with your speech, so let's ignore them!
Yes, but unlike in math where the product of two negative numbers gets positive, two idiotic arguments don't magically make sense - even if you repeat them many times...

Comming from someone whose asserts were proben false...
Is this about Aerolineas' cancellations or breaking Bajo's balls?
You forgot that there was a union "working by the book" strike and i explained how does this boycott works. Right! Facts doesn't fit with your speech, so let's ignore them!

Links? Saying it doesn't make it true Buho. The last thing I read about the strike was one union leader saying it didn't happen.

You keep "hooting" about the facts, but we don't consider press releases from Air Cámpora facts. The way you argue and avoid logic, it's amazing you've ever won a case.
Is this about Aerolineas' cancellations or breaking Bajo's balls?

It's Buenos Aires fish market with our premium seller trying to get rid of the old product. Good thing is Recalde surely will give us a lot more fairy tales. Can't await when a significant increase of deficits is explained by 'Yeah, we lost several million US$ more, but you know what, pencil prices increased by 5% and Aerolineas uses pencils!" - and our fish seller shows us a market study with the FACTS that the prices of pencils really increased :D