I have to say that your posts are some of the crassest I have read on this forum and this saying a lot . Your arrogance and patronising attitude towards Argentinians from your quotes are misleading and blasphemous to say the least. Very few argentinians are desperate to rent their apartments and certainly not to the likes of creatures like you.
The Argentinian property owner is the least desperate seller of his real estate in the world as he owns it fully in 99 percent of cases and can wait to find a good renter .
Your comments on the gay community of Argentina were discrimitatory and your so called facts showed your own opinions based on your insecurity as a man.
Polostar says it all as this defines male insecurity using a macho sport to give you appeal when obviously there is none .
The only reason you are here I bet is for cheap hookers from Once the ones that gives out flyers on Lavalle and Florida .