Am I the only one who believes Christina is being given a hard time.


Jun 20, 2006
After another tumultuous week when Christina Fernandez Kirchner has been attacked by the world wide press for her decision to sack the Central Bank president Martin Redrado I am starting to feel sympathy for her as it seems that she is attacked for every reason .

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that she is now being attacked because she wants to pay the foreign debt using Central Bank Reserves when the world has been attacking Argentina for many years for not honouring its commitments.

There is incredible hypocrisy when she can not print trillions of dollars as the USA can to be attacked by the same govenments as being irresponsible.

In the USA today the Federal Reserve controls the government and its people and there is no auditing of accountability of this instititution.

Am I the only person here who believes that Christina Fernadez Kirchner is being given a hard time?
pericles said:
Am I the only person here who believes that Christina Fernadez Kirchner is being given a hard time?

Yes, hopefully when she and her husband leave office the full extent of their criminal activities will be fully revealed and they will be brought to justice.
gouchobob said:
Yes, hopefully when she and her husband leave office the full extent of their criminal activities will be fully revealed and they will be brought to justice.

lol -- I doubt it, they will be sure to retire to a country that has no extradition treatise with Argentina!!
gouchobob said:
Yes, hopefully when she and her husband leave office the full extent of their criminal activities will be fully revealed and they will be brought to justice.

Just like all of the major participants of the Dirty War?
pericles said:
Am I the only person here who believes that Christina Fernadez Kirchner is being given a hard time?

No Pericles you aren't the only one, but the media here are continuing to be manipulated by a few and they have the big voice (a trumpet as Clarin for example) to confuse and demonize everything they wish which is affecting they interest and own agendas.
syngirl said:
lol -- I doubt it, they will be sure to retire to a country that has no extradition treatise with Argentina!!

You might be right, Argentina doesn't have a good record bringing people to justice. It will be a sign of improvement and maturity when they do. It would also serve to deter future office holders. Frankly, I don't think the K's plan on leaving office. Their popularity is not very high now and it will be interesting to see how they operate between now and the next election.

A true story from a friend in Peru. He lived next door to a former president of Peru. The former president was under investigation for corruption and the police arrived at his house one day to arrest him. The former president escaped across the roof and into the house of my friend where he was hidden in a bathroom under the sink. The police checked the friends house as well but missed the hiding politico under the sink. The ex-president then fled the country and lived in France for about 10 years. He returned to Peru a few years ago, ran for office again, and is now the current president Alan Garcia.
I wonder how any of this applies to expats?

Does anyone the Kerchners will seize our properties before they lose power?

Is there anything else to fear?

Or can we just continue to enjoy our lives here, oblivious to the political situation/developments?

Even during the Dirty War, I'm told those with foreign passports, including the USA, were not bothered by those in power.

Though I have often wondered about those who were here with UK passports at that time (remember the Malvinas).
When you take the ex Cangallo st, now Peron st crossing to Puerto Madero from Microcentro you can see to your right the Pink House's parking lot and chopper pad, along with stencils of penguins that say something like "Con El o con Ella".

Now there's also a big poster that states officially "This is the Site where the Monument to General Peron will be erected for the Bicentenario".
pericles said:
There is incredible hypocrisy when she can not print trillions of dollars as the USA can to be attacked by the same govenments as being irresponsible.

In the USA today the Federal Reserve controls the government and its people and there is no auditing of accountability of this instititution.

What she wants to do, isn't "printing money." Printing money is merely quantitative easing or lowering interest rates, which is done by the Fed purchasing financial assets from banks.

She wants to use foreign currency reserves that have been accumulated over the last 7 years to pay off the debt. Sounds reasonable enough to me, but Redrado's concern was that this transfer of money could lead to an embargo of the funds by holdouts of defaulted bonds.

Also how does the Federal Reserve control the government in the US???
Thwere never was any report of any UK citizen accosted here during the 1982 war between Arg and the UK, as far as I know.
And the only foreigned abducted during the DIRTY CIVIL WAR here were a couple of French "liberation movement" nuns that were "mingled" in terrorist activities, it seems.