I was thinking homemade sausage was the best option or is there something like a breakfast link?
"Salchichas" (and not hot dogs, although hot dogs are sometimes called this as well) are sort of like breakfast links. Long and narrow like links, usually pretty good. They usually come in a flat package, "wound up" a single length instead of nice little link-sized pieces. Cut and cook.
Making homemade patties is not too difficult - I take a chorizo, remove the skin, add black pepper and a little bit of garlic powder and mix it up with the meat and make patties. Not as good as Jimmie Dean maybe, but pretty good. Cabana Las Lilas is my favorite chorizo brand.
You can also make something similar to bacon that we get in the States with panceta. Ask the place where you get the panceta (don't buy in the grocery store) to cut it thick. Go to Barrio Chino and buy some liquid smoke. Put the panceta in a tupperware container with a little bit of water, a good amount of liquid smoke and any seasoning you might like (salt, pepper, etc) and let it sit in the fridge over night. Take it out and let the strips dry on paper towels (in the fridge) and later it will be ready to fry. Not exact, but rather, reminiscent. Of course, you want to do a bunch as it is time-consuming - can't just pull it out of the package and go for it.
Of course, if the link Gringoboy provided for bacon is as good as it looks - forget what I just wrote about making your own bacon

I'm going to have to try it!
As far as pancakes, they are really, really easy to make without the pre-packaged stuff we buy in the States. The syrup is the only thing that is very difficult to find here (used to find Aunt Jemima's in Jumbo every once in awhile). I had someone bring me down a couple of quarts of real maple syrup a year ago and I use it sparingly...