An Interesting Quiz: Test Yourself For Narcissism


Jul 27, 2006
Just for fun, take this test for yourself and then take it as if you are answering for your significant other or anyone else you think you know well. Be as honest with yourself as possible and as fair as possible with the other person.

I took it twice for myself and the result increased by three the second time I took it (answering questions that could have gone either way with the answer that was undoubtedly "more" narcissistic). I then took it several times as if I was someone else.

There are 40 questions and it only takes about five minutes to complete the quiz. You will be able to see the results immediately.

Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.

I believe the maximum score is 40.


I will be happy to share my own score (as well as a list of how I answered the questions) but before I do that, I think it would be fun if any other members would like to play along and take the test (at least for themselves). Of course the score for anyone else will be higher or lower, depending upon your perception of the other individual.

The first other person for whom I took the quiz was the 65 year old "mina millionairess" from Miami that I met two years ago on a Latina dating website. None of the answers I "provided" on her behalf could have gone the other way, including these answers: If I ruled the world it would be a better place., I think I am a special person., I have a strong will to power., and I will never be satisfied until I get all that I deserve. Her score was 37.

Then I answered the questions the way I think that one of my favorite members of the forum would. Her score was 4. I took the quiz again, answering a few of the questions with a narcissistic "bias" even though I can't know if she likes looking at or showing off her body. I only know what she looks like from the neck up (and the view is lovely). I could only guess her age so I entered 25. As a result, her score jumped up to a 7.
I scored 11

Narcissistic Trait Strength of Trait Authority: 2.00
Self-Sufficiency: 1.00
Superiority: 1.00
Exhibitionism: 1.00
Exploitativeness: 3.00
Vanity: 2.00
Entitlement: 1.00

20.... And I thought I was quite self-deprecating. Doctor!!!!
You are self-deprecating but everyone knows you don't really mean it .... just kidding!

As Ajo's unappointed illegal representative, I am obliged to assert his Fifth Amendment rights against self incrimination.
I got 12. Puh, not too narcisstic! Although I apparently think I am a bit superior to the rest of the world. :)
Authority: 2.00
Self-Sufficiency: 2.00
Superiority: 3.00
Exhibitionism: 4.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 0.00
I scored a 6:
Authority: 3.00
Self-Sufficiency: 2.00
Superiority: 0.00
Exhibitionism: 1.00
Exploitativeness: 0.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 0.00

But I have to say, some of the questions didn't "feel" right. There were a number that there should have been a third option, I think. Or maybe the wording was a little vague and I had to look at the other answer to even understand what the first one meant.

Like: "I expect a great deal from other people." or "I like to do things for other people". When I saw the first sentence, I thought, yeah, that's me, until I realized they were talking about giving or doing things for people, vs having them do things for you or give things to you. The fact is, I do expect a lot from other people in terms of their behavior, integrity, etc., but I never expect to get anything, in physical terms, from anyone else. When I do, it's a definite plus :)

Not to mention all the items about vanity - I don't like to look in the mirror all that much. When I do it's usually "Good god, El Queso, you've got to get more exercise and eat healthier and quit smoking - those dark circles under your eyes are atrocious, not to mention your growing gut!" Although I don't consider myself vain as a whole, I think everyone has some vanity in them, but the way the questions were worded doesn't really give me much of potential for scoring anything from vanity because a lot of it is related to looking in a mirror or being the center of attention, which are not things I care for. (and as I wrote that last, I thought, but I do write an awful lot on the forum - I don't do it for attention, but rather because I like to exchange views on things and give my opinion and try to convince others that my views have some merit. One can be vain in that regard, but none of the questions seemed to give the possibility to score that. Nor do I consider myself very good at convincing others, anyway. Still I beat my head on the wall...)

I went back and looked at the answers again and changed one that I was on the borderline for - it just increased my Authority score to 4, for an overall of 7. Heh. I suppose if you took the words out of one or two of the "vanity" questions from "I like to look in the mirror" to "I don't really like to but do it anyway". Or, "I like to look at my body" changed to "If I had a nice body, I'd like to look at it in the mirror", I might have a vanity score of 2 or 3 for a total of 9 or 10.

But don't put too much stock in these kinds of "pop psychology" quizzes, though. My ex-wife used to tell me I was a complete narcissist because I always wanted to control her - never mind I felt the same way about her wanting to control me! Anyway, it's all in the eyes of the beholder, eh? And I'd do a test for her, but I'm far too biased on the matter to be even close to fair!

Even given my ex-wife's opinion being a bit extreme in my opinion, I think I'm more narcissistic than the score indicates...

Authority: 2.00
Self-Sufficiency: 3.00
Superiority: 2.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 2.00

Authority: 2.00
Self-Sufficiency: 3.00
Superiority: 2.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 2.00
Your high score at Self Sufficiency implies that you may be Going Galt in Bahia Blanca (GGBB) before this thing is all over!

BTW, why does this ask for your age? I understand asking for sex (I usually beg) as we have to handicap the fairer sex on narcissism.