Are Baexpats Members Nymphomaniacs For Dollars?

The K-Apologists on this board often say that they are not seeking a Cuban or Venezuela style of Socialism but rather the Scandinavian one.

But they defend (or apologize) for each action of the K-Regime that moves toward Venezuelan style socialism - in fact many of the things that have occurred were recently implemented in Venezuela, currency controls, price controls, nationalizations. These are practices not seen in the Scandinavian countries but are vigorously defended by these K-Apologists.

Are K-Apologists are aware of this contradiction?

K-Apoligists drank the Koolaid long ago. They are therefore incapable, like true believers everywhere throughout history, of having any awareness outside the rigid dogmas of official K doctrine.

Argentina has become an Orwellian/Kafkaesque joke. Suerte chicos.