There's your problem, stop patronising Starbucks. Big corporate chain = evil.
What are you talking about? Prices have increased because of the place I am buying coffee?
What????? Did you even read my post?
There's your problem, stop patronising Starbucks. Big corporate chain = evil.
I was wondering if you consider non-profit corporations evil...such as the American Red Cross or the NAACP (among many others).
Could it be the profit motive that "virtually mandates unethical behavior, and destructively short term thinking" as opposed to the "corporate structure" itself?
What does the price of cars have to do with her roof? How does her roof compare to others in the area? US$10,000 is just a number, not necessarily unfair. Did she get multiple bids?
I`m not an expert on economics but I do feel alot of the inflation in Argentina is based around greed of individuals & companies.
Some interesting data on inflation, world wide
I agree with you that some are using inflation as an excuse for price gouging, but unless they have the power to print money, they aren't the ones responsible for inflation.
The price of cars, insurance, everything is going up. Rent practically doubles every two years. Yes she got multiple bids for the roof repair job and according to my cousin, an engineer with a construction company in Zona Norte, $10,000 US is not that much to pay. It's inflation, the cost of building materials, workers' wages, fees paid to unions. My point is, we're bickering about the price of tomatoes going up (or in my case kitty litter) when there are more serious necessary services we use that are becoming unaffordable.