wow.after reading alot of the threads in this forum i ask myself why 3/4 of you guys just don't leave. it can't be the TANGO that keeps you all there. and most of you, sounds like your spanish sucks. from national identity to hoarding small coins to bad pizza to the government lying about inflation to corruption to bad produce. argentina sounds 2nd world to me. BA is the 10th largest city in the world by poplulation!! apartments are downright expensive for a 2nd world destination. price of cars is 2 times 1st. world countries! and...what's this about argentines are ANGRY? man, who needs it. i'm coming(to BA) for the world cup(which you almost didn't qualify for) to see all this for myself. just a visit! sounds like this forum is a bunch of pissed off 30somethings that are used to living at even higher prices somewhere else(usa) will put up with ANYTHING rationalizing their cheaper(not cheap) cost of living. by the way, i live in thailand where- they know who they are! good pizza, sour cream, cottage cheese, and the most amazing array of(fresh) friut and vegetables you've ever seen every where every day. corruption? yep. insane drivers? yep. small coins? too many! people angry? it's called the "land of smiles". rents small furnished country home(15kms center), pool, maid, laundry, wifi,and utilities $600 per month. restaurants $3-$15. for you people that like noise, pollution, and four seasons this ain't for you. time to go you guys probably have to "hunt for coins"."the grass is NOT always greener "sawadee