Argentina Buying 30-Year-Old Israeli Fighter Jets

Even if Argentina was able to purchase Kfir's and get them flying they are still heavily outgunned by both Chile and Brasil. Chile just purchased F-16 Block 60's and Brasil just announced it is purchasing Saab Grippens. I have flown Kfirs and can assure you that both of those aircraft would eat Kfirs for lunch. It also would not surprise me if Brasil is in negotiations with certain countries for transfer of steal technology. I also suspect Brasil to be developing their own stealth technology.

Every time I fly Aerolineas Argentinas I say, "Thank God we are in an Embraer!"


So you, as a former fighter pilot, would know that the Kfir Block 60 comes with AESA radar, Phyton 5, BVR Derby, Data Link, full glass cockpit, etc (4th + generation equipment) etc. The fighter cell have been brought to new and can support 8000 hs of flight (about 25 - 30 years, if I am not mistaken, please correct me if I am!)

So in my honest opinion 1 of those kfir block 60 can take down any other fighter from the region.


So you, as a former fighter pilot, would know that the Kfir Block 60 comes with AESA radar, Phyton 5, BVR Derby, Data Link, full glass cockpit, etc (4th + generation equipment) etc. The fighter cell have been brought to new and can support 8000 hs of flight (about 25 - 30 years, if I am not mistaken, please correct me if I am!)

So in my honest opinion 1 of those kfir block 60 can take down any other fighter from the region.


In 2008 Colombia brought 24 Kfir planes from Israel. All claimed to have 8000 flight hours left. Since then the FAC has lost 5 Kfirs in accidents (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014). That is a pretty bad record and seem to indicate that the planes are not as nearly in good shape as the seller claims. The latets Kfir accident happened a month ago.

Colombian pilot dies when Kfir jet crashes
In 2008 Colombia brought 24 Kfir planes from Israel. All claimed to have 8000 flight hours left. Since then the FAC has lost 5 Kfirs in accidents (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014). That is a pretty bad record and seem to indicate that the planes are not as nearly in good shape as the seller claims. The latets Kfir accident happened a month ago.

Colombian pilot dies when Kfir jet crashes


Colombia's Kfir are C10, very limited and quite old to be honest. Argentina will purchase the Block 60 full.

I could have guessed, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault. Typical Argentine response: it's the Brits, no, er, I mean Yanquis, no no, ummm IMF, yeah, it's their fault and the world bank too!

I'd like to see Queen Cristina go to the Villas or Jujuy or Salta and say: "I'm sorry, you can't have jobs or better social programs, but we need to buy 30 year old fighter jets. Oh, and there is no threat to us from anyone, it's those damned rich white countries making us do it!"

Country: Argentina, Republic of
Capital City: Buenos Aires
Official Language: Castilian (Spanish)
President: Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
Government Type: Ineptocracy

The purchase of a few fighter jets for the milicos will not stop Cristina from supplying choripanes to the villas and the backlands.
The purchase of a few fighter jets for the milicos will not stop Cristina from supplying choripanes to the villas and the backlands.


With all due respect, you need help. Have you ever contacted professionals to examin your condition?

I could have guessed, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault. Typical Argentine response: it's the Brits, no, er, I mean Yanquis, no no, ummm IMF, yeah, it's their fault and the world bank too!

I'd like to see Queen Cristina go to the Villas or Jujuy or Salta and say: "I'm sorry, you can't have jobs or better social programs, but we need to buy 30 year old fighter jets. Oh, and there is no threat to us from anyone, it's those damned rich white countries making us do it!"

Country: Argentina, Republic of
Capital City: Buenos Aires
Official Language: Castilian (Spanish)
President: Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
Government Type: Ineptocracy

I didnt say that. If you read carefully you ll see I said the decision was made by Argentine government. Its just that we re talking of one of the 3 biggest bussiness world wide, it is huge the quantity of money they manage per year, it implies heavy industries from the more industrialised countries in the world. It does exist international pressure to goernments to buy this stuff. It really does. And the CFK government, unlike Chile or Colombia, does not access to that pressures that much. Remember we have a tradition, so we have the air force with lots of pilots demanding this stuff. So yes, I reaffirm what I said, there are international pressure and a local sector. The decision is totally made by CFK, but it tells something that once they decided to buy, they end buying crappy planes from 20 (or 40?) years ago. I repeat, it is a joke the percentage opf GDP destinated to defense. Thats also a decision.
I can't comment on planes but those wittering and ranting on about not paying debts should perhaps read a few newspapers. The govt are currently negotiating with the Paris Club with the support of the IMF. The IMF also support Argentina in their case against Mr Singer's charming outfit. Singer and co. represent the vast minority of debt obligations. Personally I'd love to see him lose, even if it gave a shred of credibility to this moronic govt. I'm no fan of the current govt but it's very easy to lose sight of the facts.

Paris club negotiations are separate and distinct from the Singer case and by all accounts dialogue is open and ongoing. IMF support Argentina's position as they support the new horribly real inflation statistics. Kiciloff has made some strides in breaching the reality gap there.

Planes? Hardly matters. Will be a complete non-issue in the elections.

So you, as a former fighter pilot, would know that the Kfir Block 60 comes with AESA radar, Phyton 5, BVR Derby, Data Link, full glass cockpit, etc (4th + generation equipment) etc. The fighter cell have been brought to new and can support 8000 hs of flight (about 25 - 30 years, if I am not mistaken, please correct me if I am!)

So in my honest opinion 1 of those kfir block 60 can take down any other fighter from the region.


Sorry, disagree. We used the Kfir in the US Navy to simulate the Mig 23. Could accelerate quickly but couldn't turn. A Kfir with a dial cockpit and a Kfir with a glass cockpit fight the same - they have the same airframe. They've probably lightened it a bit and might have added canards, fences, etc. BVR helps some but the Grippen and the F-16 are both BVR. Once WVR the tide turns quickly against the Kfir.

I flew the Kfir in a fam tour at Oceana. Had 10 flights. Also, routinely fought against F-16's and 5 flights against Grippens flying Hornets (C model). Money hands down on the Kfir pilot getting killed.