Argentina re-opening international flights in August!


Sep 20, 2018

El ministro de Transporte, Mario Meoni, se reunió con 22 embajadores y funcionarios de los organismos reguladores de la industria aerocomercial, con el objetivo de repasar las medidas que adoptó el Gobierno y los protocolos que deberán implementarse una vez que se reanudan las operaciones.

Si bien, las mismas están suspendidas hasta el 1 de septiembre, se analizó la posibilidad de adelantar, de manera parcial la apertura de las fronteras aéreas. “Nos permite poner de horizonte la posibilidad de volver a abrir la frontera y tener vuelos internacionales”, declaró Meoni, luego de la reunión.

La apertura paulatina permitiría vuelos programados con algunos países europeos, a partir de mediados de agosto, luego sería el turno de algunos países de la región como Paraguay y Uruguay, que tienen controlados los casos de coronavirus. No ocurre lo mismo con Brasil, país con mayor número de contagios de Sudamérica.

En el comunicado oficial Meoni declaró: “Hay que trabajar en forma conjunta y delinear un horizonte aerocomercial”, y explicó que el encuentro se realizó “con el objetivo de generar un protocolo seguro y eficaz, que permita restablecer el servicio aerocomercial”. En el mismo, junto a los embajadores de los países integrantes de la Unión Europea y de Noruega, Suiza y el Reino Unido, intercambiaron “experiencias del sector ante la emergencia sanitaria por la pandemia”.

Por último, Meoni enfatizó: “El primer objetivo es que podamos volar en la Argentina y, después, al resto del mundo”. Mientras se estudia esa posibilidad, los vuelos de cabotaje serían interprovinciales sin pasar por AMBA, y para el mes de julio, es decir para la temporada invernal.
Well on the one hand, here there is talk of going back to phase one and lockdown lasting until SEP. Domestic flights still seem to be a long way away.

On the other hand, the virus is out of the bag here and pretty much running wild so imported cases may be less of a worry. However, an almost certain 2-week quarantine will not do anything for tourism and business travel.

Personally, I think this "study" is just lip-service to foreign diplomats to try to and give the impression that Argentina is not isolationist. Or a self-serving effort to try and cut off state aid to the sector which the state can't afford by "reactivating it" (with like one flight a week...minor details)
Ain't gonna happen. Maybe Aerolineas would resume some scheduled flights to Europe in mid-August. But that's about it. It's not a huge improvement anyway, opening up 2 weeks sooner is not a huge difference. Foreign airlines will not follow before September as their schedules are fixed -- altered due to the ban imposed by the AR gov. I also do not see the demand being there. Note that South America is the new epicenter of the pandemic so the question is will Europe let Argentines enter without a quarantine? The very first step is domestic flights, followed by local/regional flights and THEN long-haul ones. I find it silly that the AR gov is so delusional about the pandemic in Chile and Brasil. Yes the situation there is worse there NOW but one way or the other we are going to have a peak here as well. By mid-august it will be Brasil and Chile that will be on the other side of the curve and banning Arg visiting and not the other way around.
I will believe it ... when it is actually happening. Anyone, can say anything they like. This needs factual proof before I am a believer.
This will be changing every day lol... First lets check if the flights actually get listed and you can purchase them. Then lets have another look at the start of August to see where we are. I guess if your flying to Europe it makes sense since theres likely less COVID there than Argentina.
This will be changing every day lol... First lets check if the flights actually get listed and you can purchase them. Then lets have another look at the start of August to see where we are. I guess if your flying to Europe it makes sense since theres likely less COVID there than Argentina.

The UK is much worse than Argentina for Covid.
There are so many variables that I doubt this will happen. LATAM was beginning sporadic flights to Chile and Brazil last month, then just like that, the whole airline disappears. The biggest obstacle is that few countries in the hemisphere plan on allowing international travellers before the fall anyway.
For instance, Costa Rica had plans to open up July 1, but now that's been pushed back due to a recent spike. Mexico reoppened Cancun last week, but many of the public beaches are still closed.
Peru announced they are restarting international flights ahead of schedule.