Argentina, Second Most Miserable Country On Earth?

NO KIDDING!! I wanna punch those people! :mad:
Obviously they have no idea what they're talking about. Most likely, they've never been here.
I don't think there is a "Paris" of South America, neither is there one in North America. :mellow:

Its only called Paris of South America because of the style of many of the buildings here ie french parisian style.
As far as I know, American citizens don't get "deported". Even naturalized citizens. I do know of one guy here who was Argentine-born, was brought to the States with his parents as a baby and was raised there. When it came time to make his status officially as a citizen, when he turned 18, he didn't do that. A decade or more later, he had trouble with the law and was indeed deported because he'd never become a citizen.

Osprey, what you're describing sounds a lot like a villa. There are indeed better places to move. You're making me cringe just reading what you wrote. Sorry that you are stuck in that situation!

Well this is just a wild stab in the dark but I suspect the fact that shes as U.S citizen living in Argentina with a deported husband means he`s Argentine.
More than anything I want to know why they are living in Baghdad East Lanus. You'd literally struggle to pick a worse area.
Maybe the deported Argentine husband was originally from Lanus and his family is still in Lanus.

I met a Argentine once who was from Lanus and she told me its a really crappy city to be born in.
I feel pretty miserable here. I'm a US citizen living in Lanus. Not a nice place, actually, it's down-right disgusting! They told me that Lnaus is the east side of Buenos Aires, the slums. The streets are always full of dirty, rotten water, dog and cat shit, stray cats and dogs, fleas, cockroaches, mosquitoes, rotten garbage (because of the dogs getting into it, and the poor sanitation services), and old, decrepit houses build on top of one another so my bedroom window is literally facing my neighbor's front door, so every time they come in or out they can look right into my bedroom. Oh, and for the first time in my life I've seen rats near the place I'm living. They're actually in my house, too, and I began to see them dead randomly in different places, like a few times on my roof, and once in the street. I didn't even mention the horrible noise and air pollution, the danger, even of just going around the corner to the store, and the fact that everyone here seems to be a drunk, a drug addict, and a heavy smoker (of tobacco). I'd say it's pretty miserable here, at least for expats from the US, which has much higher living standards, even in slummy areas. It's also impossible for me, being considered illegal here, to find work, and i cannot get a bank account or buy a vehicle (also because I don't have 120,000 pesos to do so). I almost forgot to mention how ridiculously expensive it is here. A kilo of meat can cost up to 200 pesos, and if I need deodorant it can cost me up to 80 pesos, for one bar. Expensive, considering the average person here makes around less than 6,000 pesos per month, that's around 1500-1800 per week, not including what they take out for taxes. I definitely experienced culture-shock in the first 8-10 months that I was here.
I will say one thing though, I did find that the people here, for the most part, are much nicer, sociable, and I've had complete strangers open their homes to me. The people here seem to be happy anyway, I think it's just because I wasn't born and raised here, so I notice the bad and disturbing things, but for everyone else it's all normal.
-_-[font='lucida sans unicode''] [/font]

From the sounds of it, you're married to an Argentine. You can get permanent residency yesterday.

And east Lanus? The other day I went to Pompeya...someone told me Lanus is worse than that dump of a neighborhood. So no wonder you're as unhappy as you are.
NO KIDDING!! I wanna punch those people! :mad:
Obviously they have no idea what they're talking about. Most likely, they've never been here.
I don't think there is a "Paris" of South America, neither is there one in North America. :mellow:

Please don't. Those paco addicts are not very nice when they're angry.

But on the note of Paris of South America, Buenos Aires and Paris do have one thing in common, dog poo on the pavement. :D I still remember being shocked the first time I went to Paris. Paris of Europe, just like the Paris of South America, ain't all its hyped up to be.
also, 200 pesos for a kilo of can get a various cuts of decent beef (not lomo, nor chorizos, but decent all the same) for 70 pesos and up. 200$ per kilo is madness, unless you are eating the finest choice steaks every night. You could buy nearly 3 whole chickens for that in some places. You can definitely buy 2 kilos of milanesa de pollo for 120 in the local market I go to every sat.

Not every expat here is a permanent resident, some of them are making a living. If you have a US address I'd register to some of the simple online working schemes. You might only make a few hundred dollars a month for surveys, etc etc. If you put some serious time in you might get 300 USD in a month, zoom (or whatever they use) that down here and get 13 pesos to your dollar, you've nearly paid the rent on a small apartment. You're out of Lanus. Maybe you can score a few English classes? Got to be a way out of there!