Argentine Men Are All...

Denver said:
The sporadic infidelity one hears so much about here is interesting. I do not judge that behavior, but for me who grew up in a different culture, it is incomprehensible.

To me, infidelity is a sign that something is wrong in the relationship, -perhaps an inevitable event when two people are in the process of terminating their lives together.

But, to live your life with someone and have casual affairs throughout your relationship, I will never understand.


Affairs are very common and it not just men who instigate them but married woman . Buenos Aires is a permissive society where casual sex is looked on as a diversion without the guilt prevalent in other societies. I do not believe that infidelity is a sign of a end of a relationship as there are many factors that keep people together .
AAinBA_Hey! said:
Si, most portenos are cute and a little feminine.. Hot is definitely one you could add the list. lol

In Palermo area maybe.