...they are all needing Women Studies 101. At least this is how I explain to my best friend my incredible frustrations with my boyfriend and his friends. There are things I am explaining that I can't believe I am explaining. We are constantly discussing the argentino view towards women and its level of sexismo, though I am not even sure how this word translates to him.
I guess chauvinistic could be the word, but even those men I know who believe that women should have equal education and careers and sincerely respect women for their strength, ideas, and contributions, STILL see a NATURAL role of women as a sex object, not sexY but sex OBJECT. If I was to analyze themes in conversations (and believe I have been "rompiendo las bolas" de mi novio con esto jaja), the themes, there seem to often be two classes of women: WHORES vs respectable women, sometimes nearly SAINTS, in the sense of marianismo. Men here generally have high regards for their mothers, not a bad thing to be sure! In contrast, I hear males justify their sexual conquests and subsequent treatment of the gals in terms of respectability.
And don't even get me started...WHERE are the examples held up in the media, movies, television, etc of (natural) beautiful sexy WOMEN over 25 here!?! : ) I'm 29, and someone made a comment to me, that I am not such a young gal any more (in the sense I better hurry up and find someone soon, specifically referring to the appearances of women!).
But is it really that different in the US?!?...Still, I seem to meet a lot more US men who talk about the attractiveness of women at all ages (and above size 4).
But at least on the whole, it seems Argentines are not so darn repressed as American guys (and girls) regarding sex. No offense American guys! I say this is a generalization that applies to MOST of us (God bless those who have escaped the shaming of sexuality) in that at some point in our lives we have a little tiny Puritan in a pilgrim hat on our shoulder beating us over the head saying NO NO, BAD and a more rational creature on the other shoulder saying OF COURSE! Or maybe it's just because I'm a Southerner? It seems this idea that sex is BAD is not prevalent among all the people I have met here, young and old.
Of course, these are all generalizations, simplifications, but hey, aren't we all just trying to understand and compare and contrast our experiences?
And no, they are not circumcised, except for in the Jewish community...as far as I understand from accounts...The US is a major exception in this regard in the world.
Aguante, ladies!