Asesinaron A Una Reina De La Belleza De Venezuela

During Chávez, according to La Nación, homicides were 25% of what it is today.

Cuando en 1999 Hugo Chávez llegó al poder, se registraban unas 5.000 muertes violentas en Venezuela. Ya para ese entonces la inseguridad era un tema que llevaba décadas preocupando a los venezolanos que reconocían que la suya era una sociedad violenta.

Doesn't that actually say that when Chavez came to power in 1999, there were 5000 murders that year. Not during Chavez's rule.

Chavez died in March, 2013 so its safe to say he was in power in 2011 when there were almost 20,000 murders, not much different from today.
Here is the number of murders in Argentina (far above 44) which ranges from 1300-2200 per year (till 2009):,yr:desc&v=1

Here is the number for Venezuela. See the jump after 1999 (till 2009)?,yr:desc&v=1

Argentina number of murders, 2012: 2237
Venezuela number of murders, 2012: 13,080 (some sources put this at close to 20,000, for example the BBC article above and

Source for the above two: http://en.wikipedia....l_homicide_rate
So, during the Bolivarian redistribution utopia conducted by Mr. Chavez, murders grew a paltry 400%.

Revolutions are violent.

Rapid societal change is violent. Rapid power shifts are invariably accompanied by violence.

Considering how much Venezuela has changed, it's surprising that there hasn't been more violence.
While Argentiba had 44 assesination on 2010, Venezuela had between 16.000 up to 24.000 on 2013 (official/oposition statics)


Not to be the language enforcer, but I think you mean to use the word "homicide." In English, "assassination" has an almost strictly political meaning. But I would bet that Argentina had rather more than 44 homicides in 2010.
Yes, call it a "revolution" and anything is justified, even the loss of human life.

Otherwise, even the fact that some guy has more money than somebody else becomes a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions.
there were approximately 13,000 murders in Venezuela last year. Just across the border in the right wing Capitalist bastion that is Colombia, there were close to 15,000 murders. Funny how nobody seems to mention that inconvenient fact. ah, rhetorical arguments, so 1999.
Colombia's murder rate in 1995: 69.67
Colombia's murder rate in 2011: 31.42

SOURCE: http://www.indexmund...a/homicide-rate

How is it trending compared to Venezuela?
i honestly dont think the 15,000 dead Colombians care about trends. I think they realize both countries are dealing with similair issues and to try and tie either directly to political policies is a fallacy. But excuses are fun to listen to. Im sure you can come up with some more.