Asesinaron A Una Reina De La Belleza De Venezuela
Argentina 5.5 (per 100.000)(2237)
Colombia 33.2 (15.572)
Colombia (Year 1986) (15745) (during Escobar war against he State) (not big difference)
Venezuela 45.1 (24.763) (oposition statics)
30. (16.000) (oficial statics)
Although it doesn't matter how many murders Colombia has had in this thread, since the OP actually asked:

Would you say Venezuela is more dangerous than Argentina (generally speaking)?

And it can be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, from the figures given by Bajo_cero2 and myself, that Venezuela is much more dangerous than anything Argentina has managed to come close to.
Although it doesn't matter how many murders Colombia has had in this thread, since the OP actually asked:

And it can be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, from the figures given by Bajo_cero2 and myself, that Venezuela is much more dangerous than anything Argentina has managed to come close to.
Cristina is working hard to narrow the gap.
Sure, the desicion of replacing corrup province police with commandos of Gendarmería Nacional confirms your assert...
Sure, the desicion of replacing corrup province police with commandos of Gendarmería Nacional confirms your assert...
Yeah I feel great about having some guy with a 5th grade education and an Uzi protecting my streets.
Well, in fact, gendarmería gives proper education to his men. Most of them has commando status and universitary studies going on or finished.
They are profesionals highly quilificated.

Province police, is a different story.

I was being irónic in my previos reply.
Cristina is working hard to narrow the gap.

While I am no Cristinista, and would question her ability to govern, she is certainly not consciously seeking an increased rate of homicide or any other crime.
Agreed. I doubt if she's "consciously" capable of doing much of anything. Simply providing and nurturing the environment.