Ok so I went out tonight to Las Canitas to celebrate a great month. I went to mute and bought a bottle of very expensive champagne for myself and immediately offered it to the couple beside me. It took the Argentine douche bag jealous ass*ole only about 15 minutes to attack me without provocation, slicing my scalp to the bone with the bottle and he robbed me of about 400 pesos. It didn't seem to matter to him that I was uninterested in his girlfriend (for obvious reasons). ie....I'm gay...had 0 interest in his gf.
These people are sh*t, I'm so outta here. You all can have this piece of sh*t county. It's only going to get worse and only because the people are crap. if you don' think so, just look around you. They care NOTHING about their neighbors...hence the constant dog shit in the street, constantly changing prices when they realize you're foreign. The fact is that they deserve everything they get and I hope they fuc*ing torture each other to death. As a country, they fuc*ng deserve to be thrown alive out of airplanes each and every one. Sounds cruel?! They fuc*ing invented it!!! They structure their entire lives on the most extreme beliefs, antagonizing each other until once side wants to torture the other. They're savages!!! These people deserve everything they get...the ones with money are, for the most part displaced white Europeans who somehow think the color of their skin gives them a patine of legitimacy . No! The fact is that YOU Argentines are savages. You threw people our of airplanes because you are SAVAGES! you blame everyone but yourselves for your economic collapse of 2001/2002 BECAUSE YOU ARE SAVAGES. Take responsibility! It was your fault! I had hope but now feel nothing but pity for you!!!
The police tonight just shrugged and admitted that they could do nothing. They basically admitted that the rich can do whatever they want without any prosecution. Remember that when you read about little girls going missing and even though some good people know exactly what happened (ie. the 8 y/o girl was raped, tortured and murdered), they can (and want to do) do NOTHING!!! I was bleeding like crazy and the police didn't really want to do anything...
This county is a piece of shit. I can't fuc*ing wait to get out if here. I hope they fuc*ing destroy themselves. The fact is that I know they will...