Happy New Year to all those interested in the Hash House Harriers, and our next run, the first for 2011 will take place this Sunday, January 2nd, so what better way to start the year, and your New Year Resolution to get fitter, or simply to walk/run off your New Year Hangover, and start another one.
This will be the 530th Hash run in Buenos Aires, and has a sub-title of the "Remember" HAsh - So, if you have something old, maybe a t-shirt from your youth that has been lining the drawer at home, an old race shirt would count, or, if you are an old hasher then you will surely have an Old Hash shirt in the back of the cupboard.
To all the hashers who keep those, strange pair of Hash Socks, from a hash of another Century/ and ancient foreing culture.
To all the hashers who sometime, somewhere had to take "WATER" to keep ther bodys alive till reaching the down downs!
History, strange Hash HAberdashery! worn out shorts!
This is your Chance!
Bring your lousiest running shoes and all that stuff that more than one time you think " I should drop this somewhere environmentaly safe.
To the Hashers who still have "Kunne & Nagel" t-shirts, or those ugly yellow "Sin Esposas" model, or strange hash items, bought a long time ago when you lived abroad!
Bring all that Stuff and lets make a "Remember" Hash.
Don't worry if you have never hashed before, just don't wear your sunday best, but come along and enjoy the fun in the sun in San Isidro this Sunday - Here are the directions and full details......
Date - Sunday 2nd Jannuary
Time 11.00am - prompt run at 11.30
Venue - San Isidro, calle Pacheco y Juan dìas de solis, (parking Lot)... ((((Yes, the run will start from a parking lot, and there will be cars available to store bags etc...)))))
Bring: mug, (Yes, bring your own mug, the pewter one, the glass one, the wooden & aluminiun inside conmemorative mug). May be useful to bring a plate, and something to eat with, but most of all, bring yourself!
Cost: $25 (Includes, run, beer, food etc...... - Not a bad price for a fun day out)
Competition: the most "Remember" hasher will be honoured with a Down Down!
NB - Not sure what a Down Down is? Well, you will be after Sunday
REMEMBER - Hashing is not competitive it's a social gathering of like minded souls, who enjoy beer, running/walking, good company.
This Event is brought to you by the Buenos Aires Hash House Hahhiers, the Drinking Club, with a Running Problem......
From Retiro on Mitre line towards Tigre.
Get off at Martinez, cross tracks and turn right head up Eduardo Costa (SE). After 4 blocks turn left on Pacheco. After 11 blocks you are there. look right at the Parking Lot across the Tracks.
From Centro head up Libertador for northern suburbs. Through Olivos, to Martinez.Turn right at Pacheco (from Capital, five blocks after Parana), cross rail tracks. And You too are There!
If anyone needs further information, please PM me, or post a question.....
This will be the 530th Hash run in Buenos Aires, and has a sub-title of the "Remember" HAsh - So, if you have something old, maybe a t-shirt from your youth that has been lining the drawer at home, an old race shirt would count, or, if you are an old hasher then you will surely have an Old Hash shirt in the back of the cupboard.
To all the hashers who keep those, strange pair of Hash Socks, from a hash of another Century/ and ancient foreing culture.
To all the hashers who sometime, somewhere had to take "WATER" to keep ther bodys alive till reaching the down downs!
History, strange Hash HAberdashery! worn out shorts!
This is your Chance!
Bring your lousiest running shoes and all that stuff that more than one time you think " I should drop this somewhere environmentaly safe.
To the Hashers who still have "Kunne & Nagel" t-shirts, or those ugly yellow "Sin Esposas" model, or strange hash items, bought a long time ago when you lived abroad!
Bring all that Stuff and lets make a "Remember" Hash.
Don't worry if you have never hashed before, just don't wear your sunday best, but come along and enjoy the fun in the sun in San Isidro this Sunday - Here are the directions and full details......
Date - Sunday 2nd Jannuary
Time 11.00am - prompt run at 11.30
Venue - San Isidro, calle Pacheco y Juan dìas de solis, (parking Lot)... ((((Yes, the run will start from a parking lot, and there will be cars available to store bags etc...)))))
Bring: mug, (Yes, bring your own mug, the pewter one, the glass one, the wooden & aluminiun inside conmemorative mug). May be useful to bring a plate, and something to eat with, but most of all, bring yourself!
Cost: $25 (Includes, run, beer, food etc...... - Not a bad price for a fun day out)
Competition: the most "Remember" hasher will be honoured with a Down Down!
NB - Not sure what a Down Down is? Well, you will be after Sunday
REMEMBER - Hashing is not competitive it's a social gathering of like minded souls, who enjoy beer, running/walking, good company.
This Event is brought to you by the Buenos Aires Hash House Hahhiers, the Drinking Club, with a Running Problem......
From Retiro on Mitre line towards Tigre.
Get off at Martinez, cross tracks and turn right head up Eduardo Costa (SE). After 4 blocks turn left on Pacheco. After 11 blocks you are there. look right at the Parking Lot across the Tracks.
From Centro head up Libertador for northern suburbs. Through Olivos, to Martinez.Turn right at Pacheco (from Capital, five blocks after Parana), cross rail tracks. And You too are There!
If anyone needs further information, please PM me, or post a question.....