I don't think we'll ever see any Argentine doing "panic selling" of a decent apartment in BsAs. Argentines don't panic easily, or if they feign to panic, it won't materialize in their selling anything at a super low cost. Panic or no panic, Argentinians are very smart when it comes to protecting their properties or cash. Good luck making money on an Argentine "panicking".
Anyway, for an Argentine apartment owner to sell at super low, panic prices, he or she would have to actually starve for 2 whole weeks. It's what it would take for them to really lower prices, 2 weeks without eating anything. It's how resilient they are.
Personally, I'm looking for apartments belonging to Europeans or Americans, who have come back home and need to sell. They might be prone to panic. But I have never seen an Argentine panic. Not to the point of losing money.