Baby Stuff And Customs

That's great guys, thanks for all your help. Fingers crossed we get it all through!
Same here, My family and I have brought tons of baby stuf..... BIG stuff!!! Swing and high chair both in their boxes..... Stroller in stroller bag, Jumperoo in luggage, car seat in box.... No one said a thing! I think you should be just fine, especially with your Irish or US passport. I have an Argentine passport and my husband is from the US..... Good luck!!!! :)
We came through about 6 months ago with a ton of stuff and a new baby. Don't forget to use the pregnancy line to expedite the process if you have the baby with you. My wife (Argentine) is the best at cutting through the long lines and has no shame using our baby to do so. Again, we had two suitcases just for baby stuff and one was a pack-n-play. They didn't think twice about it at EZE.
are the stroller and car seat still free of charge if you are just pregnant and dont have an actual baby with you???

I can tell you from experience on American Airlines that you have to have the baby with you for the car seat and stroller to be free. I tried to bring the car seat I got at my shower stateside as a third piece of luggage in a car seat travel case while 7 months pregnant and was told I had to have the baby with me for it to be free, oh and BTW my father works for AA and was standing at the counter with me. So, I either had the biggest jerk at AA as my check in agent or they are really firm on the policy.

In any event, hope you have better luck if you decide to give it a try. Everything, including the car seat, a stroller, bottles, bjorn carrier, food processor and a ton more stuff got through EZE with no problems. Oh and I agree with the other post about having your foreign passport out and flashing ONLY that one. Good luck!