Bad school

To all those popping up with new accounts to challenge Thomas's account of things:

First off, one has to be pretty dumb to not realize that you guys are cronies of BA Language school. Like Scotttswan said, apologize and get it over with.

However, anyone of you who is not a part of the BA Language school and is just coming in here to tell Thomas how wrong he is (and to tell David he has a foul mouth :D, David knows it already!), I would suggest you keep your advice to yourself.

Just because you had a good experience DOES NOT mean Thomas did not have a bad experience at BALS. Also, just because you had a good experience DOES NOT mean it makes what happened to Thomas less serious somehow.

You guys come across as saying, "You can't call the person who robbed you a thief because he doesn't rob people every single day! He only does it every OTHER day!" Or, "Out of the 40 million people, only half the population has experienced crime, so that means, the other half has never had to face crime, ergo, crime in Argentina does not exist."

So what I am getting at is that it matters exactly nothing that there were people who had a better experience than Thomas. What matters is that the school tried to rob Thomas of his money after screwing up their schedule. And then when he demanded the money, that was rightfully his, back, they threatended him with a lawsuit (AYFKM? They don't even have a case!).

So spare Thomas and all of us on this forum your idiotic words and stop making all these new accounts. Just call/email Thomas and apologize. Take it like honorable people. If you had done so from the beginning, Thomas would probably be writing about how you guys honorably accepted your mistake, a trait hard to find in Argentina.

My 2 cents...that are probably going to fall on deaf ears, or rather, blind eyes!
AndrewWoodward said:
It's hard to research too - so many of these threads immediately become packed with spam and fake reviews abound all over the net.

Hmm... ;) I do find these so funny though, that any of these new accounts think anyone really believes they happened to stumble across this board by chance on the same day they could write a review.

And they always read like a bad travel guide too. You know what would be better? An actual representative from your school not pretending to be someone else but openly trying to respond to what happened. If I'm a potential student and find this thread on Google, I now think you're idiots. A real response and at least people have your side.
There is something called Online Reputation which i´m pretty sure BA Language school have absolutely no clue what´s that about.
You had a bad experience? You are absolutely entitled to make your complaint and experience public. Let me know if this goes any further with that cunt i´ll be happily willing to help you out.
This is a brilliant BaExpats popcorn moment. I´ve seen people create fake accounts on here to vindicate themselves before, but never so many in so little time.
Davidglen77 said:
Hey Thomas, my name is David. I've lived in Buenos Aires for 5 years and have extensive experience dealing with crappy jerk asshole businesses such as this one. I would right back to him and tell him the following "bien a lo Argentino"

Estimado (Name of the idiot who wrote to you):
Primero, te voy a decir que sos un hijo de la gran puta, y te voy a invitar a que vayas a la concha de tu putisima abuela, putisima madre, putas hermanas y putas tias. Andate a cagar en tu mujer, hijos y todos los demás parientes bastardos de mierda que tengas. Ya tengo radicado una denuncia sobre el maltrato y prácticas corruptas a la defensa al consumidor, la fiscalía de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, y a la policia por las amenazas que recibí de parte tuya y de parte de tu bruta y feisima socia reina de la cloaca podrida de las trolas peteras. Ya estás advertido, y te voy a escrachar por la paupérrima excusa que tengas de instituto de idiomas y tu insitiuto podrido va a terminar en bancarrota ya que el escrache va a ser a nivel internacional. Uds. me amenazaron cuando vine a buscar MI PLATA QUE TRATARON DE ROBARME a pesar de mis reclamos, ya que no cumplieron contractualmente con nuestro previo acuerdo. Asi que tu pandillerismo y patoterismo no me viene ni me va, te repito metete tus amenazas de denuncias en el orto de tu madre, abuela, tia, hermana quien queras, sos un pordiosero cagon de kaka de elefante y la concha de la lora!
Buscate una vida mancha de kaka de bombacha vieja de tu abuela la prostituta chorra.
Cordiales Saludos,

I assure you he will never contact or bother you again! Cheers, David

My favorite part is "Cordiales Saludos,Thomas". Thank you David for that useful language lesson. Very practical!
rrptownley said:
This is a brilliant BaExpats popcorn moment. I´ve seen people create fake accounts on here to vindicate themselves before, but never so many in so little time.

Its a classic:). It should be made a sticky, just to scare future trolls away ;)
ctru said:
Its a classic:). It should be made a sticky, just to scare future trolls away ;)

Should I ever get an award, I shall dedicate it to elephants everywhere.:D
The "cordiales saludos" absolutely killed me:D

As a business person with no dog in this fight, I am always baffled by a business that runs on customers doesn't think customer service is important.

Maybe thomas was a PITA (not saying he was by the way!) But even if he was, it's a simple thing to refund the money and send him on his way. And if the business screwed up, which ALL businesses do, you know what fixes 99% of the problems. A simple acknowledgement of the customer and the problem, a promise to rectify the problem if possible or refund if not and the issue goes away.

How very simple would it have been for the institute to write:
Dear Thomas:
I'm sorry we couldn't meet your expectations. Unfortunately we were unable to accomodate your request for private lessons due to (insert reason here). We understand your concern and will refund your monies. I wish you the best of luck in finding an institution that will be able to offer you the lessons at the times you need.
School Director

Two seconds, a customer who feels acknowledged and has a resolution. I don't even care if they didn't do anything wrong. What could 8 classes have cost? a few hundred pesos in a refund? Much better to lose that than a reputation. And even more so - how much time (ergo money) has the school spent writing and sending nasty emails, creating accounts to respond, etc. That time could have been better (and more profitably) spent teaching lessons and garnering good publicity.