Bad school

Davidglen77 said:
Oh and by the way I am going to be giving spanish lessons to anyone who is interested!
I think those are advanced lessons David!
jangelc said:
Davidglen77, good thing I learned Spanish while at Buenos Aires Language and can understand all of the mind-blowingly offensive things you just wrote. I wonder why the Baexpats admistrators would let someone publicize such offensive comments... Seems to be quite a lastima que personas como vos atravez de un blog puedan hacer comentarios destructivos de forma gratuita perjudicando a personas honestas.

It's just so obvious! The thing that gets me is the email Thomas received threatening him with a lawsuit, in Spanish of course. If he never got the classes he paid for, how could he understand your threats in Spanish! The whole thing is so transparent. Well at least they are fitting the stereotype... ?!?!?!?!:cool:
KarlaBA said:
I think those are advanced lessons David!

Actually the level of learning can be customized to the students request, payment is only accepted once the student completes their training and is satisfied with the results, no patoteros here!
Wow, the Buenos Aires Language School (or BALS!) mob died down in a heartbeat!
nicoenarg said:
Wow, the Buenos Aires Language School (or BALS!) mob died down in a heartbeat!

Yeah, pretty amusing. I suspect it was one or two people at the school opening a series of fake accounts. The moderators could look at the web server logs to figure out what the IP addresses were for those users, I could use those addresses to figure out where their computers were connected at the time, but its probably not worth the effort.