Best Wines?

Davidglen77 said:
Ok sounds great. Please send me the information for this seller and I am sure if I decide to order from them they will sell me everything with the proper factura, etc.

David, here's a different seller than the one from that list that just sent me an email.


David, don't you think its more likely that the actual wholesale price to high-volume, low-overhead retailers is in the $20s-30s than that the two stores whose price lists I've posted as well as 10-15 others on mercadolibre are all selling stolen goods?

Also, what the hell is up with the flechas corte? That was USD 24 last time I was at costco in the states.
I know about several wine "wholesalers" that sell things really cheap. First, none of them can provide a legal proper factura for merchandise they sell, which works for individuals and people who sell under the radar of AFIP. I can't vouch for the source of this merchandise and for that reason I won't buy this way because I can't sell products from my store without giving a factura. It's totally up to you and others who purchase products this way, however if you think that nothing illegal happened in obtaining this merchandise, and you are comfortable with that, more power to you, it's your right.
I've always gotten a factura on letterhead with my purchases from discount online wine stores, no idea if they're legal or not. Either way, these stores are retailers, they're not selling wine for resale, they may even be prohibited from doing so. That's how it works in the states in many cases. Check out WTSO sometime, right now they're selling a $50 MSRP bottle for $22, this is not rare. The world over surplus wines get unloaded for pennies on the dollar.