Biden dropping out of 2024 race and will endorse Harris this week

Well, I'm no lawyer. Are you?
You dont have to be a lawyer to read the news.
(Although both my parents were attorneys and my mother was a judge for most of her life, so I probably speak more legalese than most)

Its not technical information nor does it require a JD to know that Clarence Thomas added a curious and off topic memo to the recent trump immunity ruling, suggesting that all special prosecutors are unconstitutional.
Its not a secret that judge Cannon just threw out all the charges against Trump in the secret documents case, ciiting Thomas as the basis for the decision.
And its widely reported that Hunter Biden has raised this with his judge.
Reading news is allowed even to non- lawyers.

I thought Aileen Cannon just declared all special prosecutors unconstitutional, cause Clarence Thomas told her she could. That means Hunter doesnt need a pardon, he gets the same get out of jail free card as Trump, right? (Hunter Biden actually is bringing this up to his court right now, but I really doubt any judge but Cannon is crazy enough to pull this stunt, rewriting 50 years of history on a whim)
Biden will not pardon Hunter.
Trump is the one who pardons convicted felons who just coincidentally he hired.

Cannon is a district court judge in a different circuit. This is not binding precedent for the Biden case judge. Likely, we will end up with a circuit split and the matter will be arbitrated at some point by SCOTUS.
Its also quite illuminating to look at the official records for presidential pardons, and compare Trump with Biden.

Biden, mostly drug convictions by unknown, not rich people.

Trump- an amazingly large percentage of former employees and republican politcal operatives accused of bribery and other clearly political crimes.

I think this reflects a couple of things. First, law fare against Trump World is a natural outgrowth of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Second, as an outside, Trump has lacked the skilled DC apparatus that creates -- to use the term from the Godfather -- buffers.

Do you remember Cheryl Mills, Whitehouse attorney who deleted Hillary emails while under subpoena? The Maryland Bar actually changes its rules ex post facto to avoid disbarring Mills for spoliation of evidence.
Trump won't debate her. He is now the old guy who might not make it to the end of his term. The optics aren't good for him. Kamala was a former prosecutor and knows how to get under his skin. She won't get rattled, but he will lose it.
As the saying goes, Trump was hoisted by his own petard - now HE is the doddering old fool.

I got this on WhatsApp:
