
Talking about legality.... Evo is the first sinner since he spit on the Bolivian not once but twice.
Regarding his economic record, he did impruved the lot of the aymaras by doublin or trippling the area of coca plantations they were allowed to have legally. He did not perform any economic miracle, as far as I know.
NEWS... Evo declared he wants to open a Fish Restaurant. He will cook and serve and charge for a Selfie...!
As the coup's death toll mounts, protesters lie dead in the streets, the police and military have immunity for any actions, and the new 'president' states she will start arresting indigenous democratic representatives of Evo's party who control 2/3 of the legislature.

Sounds legit.

Bernie seems to agree that this coup is a bad thing:

Evo may be a "sinner"- I am not religious, so I know nothing of this- but he also resigned, without violence, pretty much right away- unlike, say, the dictators of every country in South America, or a certain President I could think of. He is, to the end, peaceful and civilised, and the people voted for him, even if legally he was not qualified for a third term. He won the popular vote all three times- again, unlike in the USA.
Evo, to me, is kind of like Jimmy Carter- too nice of a guy to succeed at politics, and with a similar complete lack of pretense- no chamuyero would wear those sweaters.

Also, contrast these two examples of "spitting on the people"-

Evo- refuses to borrow from the IMF and builds the cable cars to El Alto with income, not loans.
Macri- mysteriously cant explain exactly what he did with the approximately $150 Billion in dollars Argentina now owes the IMF, vulture capitalists, private high interest lenders, and who knows who else.

I already was planning on hell, as that is where Jimi Hendrix, Hunter Thompson, and Mark Twain will all be, but I siding with the sinners on this one.
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too nice of a guy to succeed at politics

He did find a way to turn which should've been one 5 year term into 14 years and almost 20 years, which I don't know if too nice of a guy in an ugly sweater could pull off. Along side this current fascist "interim" government he does look like a saint though.

Macri- mysteriously cant explain exactly what he did with the approximately $150 Billion in dollars Argentina now owes the IMF, vulture capitalists, private high interest lenders, and who knows who else.

Is there controversy about where the borrowed money went? I thought the majority of it was sold by the Central Bank trying to defend the peso.
We know 44bn is due the IMF. approx 7bn was sold as local bonds that are due very soon. And the rest of the estimated $330bn Argentina owes? (not all of which, of course, was borrowed by Macri).
Nobody knows. This kind of debt changes hands all the time, and as the value of it goes down, currently its mostly trading at a perceived value of 40% of face- vultures, like Singer and his ilk, buy more and more of it.
But my "mysteriously" applies mostly to what happened to the $150bn AFTER he borrowed it. Where did that go?

With Evo, its pretty transparent, as there are physical objects that his relatively paltry budget was spent on, as well as education, the womens traffic police, and built El Alto from slums into a vibrant and profitable part of the city.

Evo built up the GDP, increased the foreign reserves, shifted the hydrocarbon profits from private hands to the public coffers, doubled public investment as a percentage of GDP, increased foreign investment, reduced poverty and income inequality, increased the minimum wage, and, for some of the years he was in office, ran a budget surplus.

All things that neither Fernandina, nor, most especially, Macri, could come close to- in most cases, Macri did the exact opposite.

The human rights crime from the current government need to be investigated now and the indigeneous population need to protected from these terrible abuses of military power . The new law granting inmunity from prosecution to military officers is contrary to all democratic principles .