arty said:My family is 2nd generation Italians in the USA and we got hit all the time when we were little.
I don't think "being hit al the time" is a good thing (although we all survived that), but I agree that at times, some kids need a small tick on their buttom...
Kids need rules and limits. It makes them feel safe. If a rule is set, it can not change. If kids disobey the rules, they should be punished. I don't hit my kids, but punish them with something that touches them. For example, my son when he was small, he loved to watch tv, so he could not watch TV for a week (or more), when they are very small it can be 'no cookie' or 'no bedtime story'...
You have to be consequent, if you say no to a question the 1st time you are asked, you should also say no the 2999th time he/she asks the same question. This also means that when he/she throws himself on the floor in a supermarket, it is still a no. That's when he thinks (is certain) you will give in.
As a parent you have to be strict but fair. It is not easy and you must often make a stone of your heart
All over the world you see kids behaving badly, and it is often (not always) a consequence of 2 parents working, the child being alone a lot, and when the parents finally have time, they spoil the kids, often out of guilt. Don't want to be angry or set rules. At least that's what I see in my circle of friends.
I don't know how it is in other countries, but In Belgium, everyone seems to have ADHD. The docters put them on medication, while in my opinion, the majority of these kids just need to be diciplined. (I can't imagine 30% in a class being ADHD).
Anyway, this is how I raised my kids, and up to now it worked very well on them. Let us hope it stays that way