Bravo Argentina

For supporting the party of "happiness" with yellow ballons, you seems to have too much hate.

This was an election, not a soccer match neither a coup.

I conglatulate the military party for acchieving power by first time since 1916 by popular voted instead of by tanks or bombing plaza de mayo with civilians in it.

I only hope that all my fears about Macri are wrong.

For all those who think that Macri racism is only for bolivians, i remember you that the class action for xenophobia against him was for the discrimination of 2 Americans, 1 canadian and 1 Irish women.

What makes you believe that the right-wing has the cornerstone of applying military rule? Khmer Rouge? Chinese Communists?
The scope of a coups d'état cannot be measured only in the context of the history of one event and only in one place. The people have spoken and without a shot fired; well, this calls for a celebration! The dirty politics so far have been exasperating, and it seems like the losers in this case are very bad losers because IMHO, they are afraid of change even if it is necessary to the well-being of the country for the long term.

I feel bad for Macri for the monumental mess he has to deal with now; hopefully he has the fortitude and wisdom to carry out a sane plan to put this country back on track as a part of the world and not just a microcosm. 12 years of spending is over and the bills have to be paid.
What makes you believe that the right-wing has the cornerstone of applying military rule? Khmer Rouge? Chinese Communists?
The scope of a coups d'état cannot be measured only in the context of the history of one event and only in one place. The people have spoken and without a shot fired; well, this calls for a celebration! The dirty politics so far have been exasperating, and it seems like the losers in this case are very bad losers because IMHO, they are afraid of change even if it is necessary to the well-being of the country for the long term.

I feel bad for Macri for the monumental mess he has to deal with now; hopefully he has the fortitude and wisdom to carry out a sane plan to put this country back on track as a part of the world and not just a microcosm. 12 years of spending is over and the bills have to be paid.

Good news EVO phoned Macri to congratulate him....!! viva la Patria Grande....!

I am not pro military govcernments and I do not support noquis. I don't want to pay for noquis with my taxes. All the formal naming of thousands of workers is a bomb they have just set on purpose. Sorry again I do not support noquis. And all Ks and camporistas refer to CFK as La Jefa. Because that is her role.

If you use google you can find out what Macri did in the city: whoever who didn't go to work 14 days per year was clasified as a ñoqui and fired while a ñoqui is someone who doesn't work (I posted the link before).

There are different regulations for State employees. My sister is a scientist at Conicet. They do not have license for maternity. So, according to Macri's standars, she is a ñoqui because she didn't go to work while she was giving birth.

I didn't know they called her "la jefa", i thought it was "la morocha". However, for me she is the President.
Talking of racism/nationalism: Do you guys thing Macri will tighten the immigration regulations? For example in the past it was easy to stay for a very long time on just tourist entry stamp and either do border runs or just pay a small fine. You think that will change with the new government?

Lucky you Macri needs a law of the congress to go back to administrative deportation on the hands of Immigration without due process or a federal judge.

The Congress belongs to the opposition (K's) that is not going to vote in favor of that.
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