theargie said:
John and Mendozanow,
I think I expressed myself clearly enough, but I can't be 100% sure. The fact is: You totally got me wrong.
What I found offensive, and will ALWAYS find offensive, is Generalization.
When I wrote e.g. "Don't forget we actually like you Argentinos," it's also a generalization - and not one of the Argentinos objected
We use them all the time, Argentinas are beautiful, Brasileros are noisy, Scandinavians are cold and blond, British are haughty, ... extend the list by a mile.
Some, even many, Argentinos are ready to cheat any extranjero they meet.
Some, even many, Argentinos are very friendly towards extranjeros.
Some, even many, Argentinos are honest.
Some, even many, Argentinos refuse coíma, to pay bribes, grit their teeth and wait 3 hours in a meaningless queue rather than adding to petty criminality.
We usually boil it down to "Argentinos are ready to cheat any extranjero they meet" and "Argentinos are very friendly towards extranjeros".
If I analyzed your - until now only 14 - posts I think I could find generalizations there too, as in: "why people keep voting the same politicians over and over again" - some do, some don't
- oh, and no offence meant or taken - as mendozanow says: "We should be able to say what we like without offending ..." - we exchange opinions, which differ.
theargie said:
Allright, have a great weekend!!
Same to you!