Upon further thinking, it came to mind the case of a dear friend who had a baby to a man she dated for some time. He then moved abroad as was offered a job. He was paying for his child's school, food etc, and was giving her about 500usd monthly up until a couple of years ago. This sounds like enough, reasonable, etc. Only when I learned that he had a 2 million per year contract it hit me that he was being cheap, and that obviously he did not care about giving his daughter the same lifestyle he enjoyed. You see, everybody thought the mother was being unreasonable and maybe jealous of his partners, etc, when in reality she was right about him being cheap!. So 4k, 200$ or other is reasonable or enough, it depends on the context. You have only mentioned the small town, her lifestyle, etc but have not mentioned anything about yours, so your question is very catchy.