Buenos Aires crime rate

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"danish_boy" said:

Just because high school shootings and snipers are not as common here doesn't mean Argentine society is less violent. Keep in mind that guns are not as easy to get here as they are in the US. So that would explain why there aren't so many shootings. Besides, Argentine students may not carry guns (some DO anyway) but many carry knives instead. Do you remember the teacher that got stabbed by a student a few years ago? Well, there have been MANY similar cases. As for snipers, have you heard about "el tirador de Belgrano"?

Oh speaking of violence, how do you explain all the elders who are brutally beaten to death on a regular basis? If Argentine society were so peaceful, that wouldn't happen, don't you think? But according to you, extreme violence can be found in the US and not in Argentina. Get a grip on reality

To obtain a gun here in much easier to obtain than United States and crime by fireaems are 7 times per capita less . Can anyone explain why?
"igor" said:
I am sorry to disappoint you, but one can easily buy an unregistered gun on the streets for 300 pesos or so. And I have an impression that gun ownership laws here are much more relaxed than in the most of the american states.

Thanks for your response and no, you didn't disappoint me.What I meant to say is it is much easier for an American kid to get a gun than for an Argentine kid. In the US many, if not most, households own guns. That is not the case here.
Crime against elders is not unique to Buenos Aires and while it does happen the difference here the rate is low.
In Argentina you will notice that the news channels are very graphic and create unneccesary hysteria. . If anyone has seen chronica television which must be one of the worst offenders you will see that in iits depiction of crimes and tragedies .
For that reason Porteños and foreigners who watch a lot of television start to beleive that they live in a very violent society.
"pericles" said:
To obtain a gun here in much easier to obtain than United States and crime by fireaems are 7 times per capita less . Can anyone explain why?
Take out violent crimes committed by blacks and the resulting US crime level statistics (i.e., perpetrated by non-blacks) are more or less in accord with West European countries. Race is the single most important factor. I don't understand why everyone averts their gaze from what is blindingly obvious.
I believe you didn't get my point, What I meant is that the nature of violence is different, is it the same to open fire at malls-just because you woke on your wrong foot, had a bad day etc- than to assault elderly people? I am not justifying the latter, in any case, taking advantage of people who can't help themselves is not a minor offense, that's clear, but really I cannot understand the killing for the killing, our violent cases ressemble if you want Dostoievskys novels, money is the final motive (which BY NO MEANS justifies the action) but what leaves me thinking is what triggers that kind of violence, yes we had ONE snipper in almost all of our history (belgrano guy), in the USA it is no longer news.

P.S: Pericles is not your real name (I assume), was he a greek god or sthg. similar?
Bf4 Pericles is my real name named after a ancient greek philospher from Athens Greece,
In regards to snipers in Argentina they are rarer than hens teeth . I remember two cases one in Belgrano and another in Carmen De Patagones in a school.
"pericles" said:
Crime against elders is not unique to Buenos Aires and while it does happen the difference here the rate is low.
In Argentina you will notice that the news channels are very graphic and create unneccesary hysteria. . If anyone has seen chronica television which must be one of the worst offenders you will see that in iits depiction of crimes and tragedies .
For that reason Porteños and foreigners who watch a lot of television start to beleive that they live in a very violent society.
Are you saying that the media exaggerates crime or is simply making it up? Give me a break. Maybe if you asked the relatives of the victims you wouldn't be so skeptical...
Besides, the same could be said about American media. Or have you not seen "Bowling for Columbine"?
"pericles" said:
In regards to snipers in Argentina they are rarer than hens teeth . I remember two cases one in Belgrano and another in Carmen De Patagones in a school.
Right, whatever you want.

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