Buenos Aires to clean up dog poop on city streets

ReemsterCARP said:
Personally I´ve never found this much of a problem. Who cares about dog poo when you´re politicians are corrupt, the judicial system is a mess, poverty is rampant and crime is becoming a bigger problem every day...

One step and problem at a time. In an environment in which so much appears broken, it would be nice to see something work!
It helps people feel confident that we can affect change for the better.

If Argentina can clean up its dog poop problem today, who knows what larger problems can be fixed tomorrow! This would require passing a law and consistently enforcing it, something rarely done in Argentina where corruption and bribery allows people to evade many existing laws, from traffic violations to paying income or real estate taxes.
actually the dog poop problem is not argentina but BA (and, well, la plata). haven't see any in mendoza, san juan, cordoba, or anyplace else outside la capital federal.

crime and corruption notwithstanding, this really really IS disgusting.
Is there such a thing as citizen's arrest in Argentina? I have often wondered whether I, or any person, witnessing a violation of law has the right to detain the offender - using as much physical force as is reasonably necessary - and to bring the offender into a police station or to a police officer.
This assumes not cleaning up after one's dog was an offense prior to the new law.
I'd take the dog poop any day, if they'd do away with the pollution from buses. I fear if I stay here too long I'll get cancer...
bernardinho1961 said:
Is there such a thing as citizen's arrest in Argentina? I have often wondered whether I, or any person, witnessing a violation of law has the right to detain the offender - using as much physical force as is reasonably necessary - and to bring the offender into a police station or to a police officer.
This assumes not cleaning up after one's dog was an offense prior to the new law.

You sound like a dictator with this post . You wish to have a super controlled dictatorship there are many countries that make take your fancy like China ,Russia, or the USA.....
Hmm, but it is an interesting question, do they have citizen's arrest here?
Sleuth said:
Mauricio Macro, the mayor of Buenos Aires, passed new legislation today which is intended to clean up dog waste on city streets:


Hopefully it works!

Interesting, First his last name is Macri and not Macro. But that is not important. Anyway if he's planning on cleaning up dog poop he should start with himself, as he's a big piece of s**t himself.
perry said:
You sound like a dictator with this post . You wish to have a super controlled dictatorship there are many countries that make take your fancy like China ,Russia, or the USA.....
I'm confused. Exactly what is it about my post that makes you label me a dictator? I am merely asking whether there is such a thing as citizen's arrest. There is in the US where many of us expats originate.
bernardinho1961 said:
I'm confused. Exactly what is it about my post that makes you label me a dictator? I am merely asking whether there is such a thing as citizen's arrest. There is in the US where many of us expats originate.

Ever heard of anyone actually using citizen's arrest in the US? I haven't. I bet the person making the citizen's arrest would get in more trouble than the person doing the crime -- kidnapping, lawsuit for potentially harming the person, etc.